(May 14, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette)
When I Get Home by Solange is amazing. If I had to choose an album, that was me. I would choose this one. A very visceral album. Concepts that I heavily subscribe to. Writing and expressing those concepts in a way I really love. A major concept in this album is manifestations. She starts off the album with Things I Imagine. She basically talks about her having visions she keeps seeing, her imagination. At the end of the intro she’s singing “taking on the lie.” Because it’s just her imagination, her dreams, and aspirations. Then the outro I’m A Witness. At the end she’s saying ‘taking on the light.’ Sung in the same exact way the intro is. Basically her imagination came to fruition, came to light. One of my favorite concepts of the album. Also in maybe my favorite songs Dreams. She just keeps reciting those dreams, her imagination. Be patient, they’ll come, just not instantly.
This album also has a lot to do with just being. Not being afraid and tapping into the spirit or in her saying, tapping into her supernatural. Surrendering to that overwhelming power, vulnerability. Just allowing. Finding you. Allow yourself, your spirit to take you wherever it goes and flows. Don’t be afraid of the fact that you don’t know where you’re going. Just allow yourself to go. You gotta go for it. Then when you get to a place, where you have an idea of what you are. Splurge in it. Have fun it, unapologetically. Do what you want. In all facets. Like Solange in My Skin My Logo. Also in Binz. She’s just flexing, living lavishly. While rich in spirit. Walking embodiment of God’s consciousness, our blessing. We’re less of a physical creature.
That’s what this album is. Just a visceral being. Vulnerable expression. Less of that cerebral style of storytelling and tying a grand story together intellectually. “Words would’ve been reductive to what I needed to feel and express.” As she said in an interview about this album. Just doing what feels good. Expressing raw vulnerable content. Surrendering to that spirit, and just being.
Lastly, a concept I really love. Repetition. This album is flooded with repetition. Mantra like. To ingrain certain aspects into your spirit. Even though it may not be like that now. Just keep repeating and trying to believe in it. To ingrain it in your existence. Call it into your life. Where you start to live that life and it’s now like the way you dreamed.
But in totality. It’s just a beautiful album about being, believing, creating, and manifesting what you love. I didn’t get enough into the sound though. One of my soundtracks to life. Mantra to life. Her vocals are ethereal. Nice eclectic sound to the album. Experimental to the point where it would make her fan base confused, because they were a certain type of listener. That probably didn’t have the ear prerequisite to this album. Nice, but I can understand for some, weird melodies and chords. Once you have the enzymes to digest. It’s a really great sounding album. A serene wholesome experience. I love it. Her best album.
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