WeCrashed: Review

(Aug 27, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)

This show was absolutely amazing. I love a good nothing, to something, to everything business plan type of film/show. Like The Wolf of Wall Street feel, this was a beautiful feeling of rush. Just crazy mindset and delusional visions into fruition. Constantly challenged by the doubtful reality. But a lot of what is today, is filled with dreams and imagination from the past that were delusional visions back then created into the fruition we’re living in today.

So there’s a few things to Adam. He wants to be an entrepreneur. Also has a great idea. Those are two different things. Like the difference between wanting to make good music, and wanting to be a music star. One produces beauty. One can produce a selfish megalomaniac greedy person. That was the duality in the growth of Adam. That worked very for and very against him. Having a great idea. Genuinely want to grow it, but having the boost and intensity from your ego and megalomaniac mindset to be the greatest thing you’ve ever seen.

So the inspiration of a kibbutz, used to create the communal work space. Free up the work space. Make it less boxed and corporate, and give it life. A space you want to come into. Communally, people want to socialize with each other. People want to communicate. Meet new people. Have these experiences. That’s what Adam offers, with nothing but his magic. Some people just have that thing. That magical thing. That makes you believe or feel something. Adam creates this, it’s him. He has an absolutely insane burning desire for this greatness, and he just knows how to express it. No matter the bullshit idea. He knows how to illustrate belief. That feeling is amazing. You just want to be a part of it. He mesmerizes you. That’s his superpower. Making people believe. He can implant his belief in multiple sets of people. Create with them. Then other people see what’s going on. He’s amazing at instilling FOMO of missing out on the future. So they’ll join in. He’s relentless. Not afraid to fall and risk. Also he has a good sense of money is not real. Just keep creating more value. That’s how you can go from nothing to something. He’s magic. He’s the value. His valuation kept going up on the sole premise of his magic. He knows how to create like he’s the center of a solar system. And make things gravitate around him. How to keep feeding WeWork and his entity. To keep growing it.

I loved that aspect of this, because this part of this was very real. Having a real intrinsic idea. Being and living that idea. And growing that. Having no capital or money, but your intangible and what you own is so valuable, people just want to join in and fund this value. Everyone gravitates to it. This concept was a beautiful concept that many can take from. It was a passionate watch.

It’s that I want to be an entrepreneur for the simple fact of wanting to be an entrepreneur is what got him caught up. Wanting to be a star. That’s where you lose yourself. Get and float away from your foundation. You want to “grow the world’s consciousness” but you are not what you preach. Very far from it. That’s mainly from the wife’s position. Her contribution was very nauseating. She was just an anchor that he just had to stay loyal to because of marriage. But that’s what got him caught up. You’re risking everything in trying to obtain this, you don’t even know. This grand level world dominance maybe. People bypassed the turmoil because it was just part of the process. But after a while people started to feel a sense of fraudulence. That’s where it started to come down. The magic was starting to vanish. This system was built and held together by magic. When the magic started to dissipate, because people saw flaws and weren’t believing. Even Adam was starting to evoke doubt. Everything started to crumble. The value, the partners, it was just a building waiting to collapse. And you’re just watching how things are gonna fall.
Ego is fueled by fire. So when you live by it. It can give this intense fiery passion to ignite you. Which Adam lived by. But you can live and die by the 3(meaning fire). And it was a long run. Adam could have settled down many times. Just basked in his luxuries. But he was a sick egotistical man, an addict. He couldn’t let go of whatever he was seeking. Fun while it lasted. But he died by the fire, selfishly. When he has all these innocent counterparts running in his entity. WeWork was bigger than him, affected many. So many moving parts, people, families connected to WeWork. All these people invested something into WeWork. But to Adam it’s all his creation, all his work. So he only considered him. Which any sane human can be content with what he already had, but he was sick. So he burned the entity, which led to the destroyed the lives of many. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely
Great show.

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