(Jun. 3, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette)
Waves is one of my favorite movies of all time.(Watch the movie first please.)
All the concepts. Some of the best cinematography. The color schemes they chose. The soundtrack was phenomenal. Just all around the elements were there.
I just love the duality of the movie. First a kid Tyler who lives a rigorous lifestyle with immense amount pressure he has to live up to, has to over exceed. Which consumes his life. Not much time for self. And you don’t learn much about him, or get to know who he is. He doesn’t have a chance for that. Rigorous lifestyle is all he is. When that starts to crumble down. The failure and the shame, maybe even the fact that he is empty inside, he has to constantly numb it. Builds resentment and tension. You could feel the restriction on his life. Till he finally implodes and explodes. Which led him to his climax and made that permanent mistake, that takes your breath away.
Then Emily comes in. So quiet and distant before. But now we get to see what goes on with her. An ease starts to come in now. You start to learn who she is. Like actually about her, her interest, her dreams. She gets to experience things, try things. Now a new refreshing breath gets breathed into the movie, easy going. You start to experience life and beauty. She gets to learn who she is. Express herself. She had the chance to plant her seed and grow. While Tyler was being molded to become a perfect diamond.
The father learns all along. That he should’ve fathered Tyler more like that. Let your kid be, and you just guide any way you can.
This was a beautiful film. I love everything about this movie.