(Nov. 22, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)
I remember the first time I watched this film. I liked it. It was a cool premise about the pointless, meaningless aspect of life, but I felt there was a lot of ambiguity about this film.
Then recently I watched Amsterdam(2022). They were talking about the Parasitic nature of the Cuckoo bird. How they are like psychopaths, but for no reason other than that’s just how nature is, no real answer for it, they are just here. That can answer a lot of the questions about the psychopathy the human civilization is riddled with also. I wrote a paper on that with Amsterdam. Then also about the cuckoo bird, and all this BlackRock, Larry Fink, and buying of many residential homes. Bill Gates, and him buying many farms, and wanting rich countries to have 100% synthetic meats, lab made meats. Also the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset, headed by the “wealthy elites”. It felt like parasitic psychopaths at work.
That’s when I felt, all this feels so familiar, I knew I watched a film about this. Ohh yea…Vivarium. This was what was happening. It was just coincidental that I was doing a paper on a cuckoo bird and The Great Reset. I went back to watch Vivarium, and in the first scene the cuckoo kills the other bird, and steals its nest. Then the girl sees the dead bird, questioning why. Then Gemma tells her that the cuckoo has done it, and that it’s just nature. The girl responds she doesn’t like how nature is. That’s when I understood, this film wasn’t ambiguous at all. It was very straightforward on what it was speaking to. These psychopaths are trying to play god and make this new way of life for us. No one wants it or asks for it, but they just impose their vision on us. They have visions of putting us in this torturous lifeless hell, this mundane artificial life. A mimicry of what life is. Because that’s what psychopaths naturally are. A human mimicry, a soulless & lifeless being. When you see quotes straight from the WEF page about “I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better.” I thought this was a sarcastic joke, but it was a straightforward quote from an article they endorsed. In the article they talked about you don’t need to do anything, you don’t need privacy. That everything will be provided for you. It was such a sinister article. Because that was Vivarium in verbatim honestly. Vivarium is horror based on a future true story, a whistleblower film. One, people should really be looking into. This is no conspiracy theory, the “wealthy elites” of the world are having public meetings about all of it. They are blatantly saying this stuff. This is where the outrage should be. This is the true danger and crisis facing humans. These “wealthy elites” are so disconnected to the wants and needs, and just in general to the general public. They are trying to impose their lifeless world on us, and destroy the life and beauty they can’t articulate and experience. And it’s like why are they doing this. Like the beginning of the film. It’s just their nature, no real answer for it. So we have to understand what psychopaths are, and how parasitic they are. So we can understand that we have to stop them from themselves and their natural nature, like putting out an invasive species. So we can create a livable world for ourselves, because if not they will create a world for us. An unlivable one.
Added later on- This was validated by the film maker himself when I asked if this was what the film was about. Search up the WEF and their quote “I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better.” This a real quote. This company is endorsed by every major corporation. And this is the life they are pushing for the general public. Then look up bill gates saying countries like America should shift entirely to 100% synthetic lab made beef. Like the fake food you saw in the movie. This is real stuff happening today. Once you watch the film with the understanding this likely can be happening to us very soon, it’s a nightmare. Not an ambiguous film at all.
A quote from the Lorcan Finnegan(the film maker) “It feels like we’re moving towards a Yonder Way of Life” –