The Zero Theorem(2014) Analysis: All Is For Nothing & Nothing Is For All. They’re Imposing A Nothingness World On Humanity.

(Dec. 21, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette)

Another great one by Terry

Qohen, a notable number cruncher, data miner or something of that sort. Is crunching his life away. Hours on hours, on days, on many years. Just a lot of time wasted away on crunching numbers. And why, he’s just waiting for something. A call, he’s waiting on a phone call to receive his purpose. Seemingly in his head, it will make everything all worth it, and make life make sense. When he picks up that phone, he will be ready to receive his calling when the person on that phone relays it to him. And he’s been waiting on that call. Everyone is trying to convince him that the call is coming, just keep waiting, it’ll surely come. Just in the meantime, follow the orders. 

Just keep crunching those numbers, like that has any meaning. Like many, he’s just listening in a docile manner, and complying to this systematic way of life. Accepting the confusion of his tasks, in hopes it all makes sense in the end. Like so many, just doing confusing work that you feel you’re supposed to do, and important to a greater cause, because of the title and placement they have. So they don’t question their position, don’t express their confusion, to maintain their status and position, that gives them comfort and validation. But also breeds this deeply inner imposter syndrome, because you’re so confused by what you’re really doing in life, what this life really means to you, and who you are within it.

Qohen is getting more uneasy, becoming more restless. What is the purpose of all this? It’s been so many years passed, I listened to everybody on everything I have to do. Did all the right things. I was perfectly docile, I didn’t get out of line. I listened to everything authority said. And it has landed me here. In such emptiness. My life is completely mundane, filled with dullness, and confused by mostly everything really.

Now I must find answers, I need something to explain my existence. The purpose of it. It just can’t be that existence = 0. It just can’t all be this meaningless. I need that call to come in to give me understanding of this life, of what my purpose is. And when Qohen goes looking for the answers, looking for Management, the showrunner of all this. He gets sent on the nightmare of the bureaucratic rigamarole. They’ll “notify” that Qohen is looking for management. And the boss will contact him within 3-indefinite amount of days, or just straight, you can’t contact the boss.

 But what Qohen receives is all these distractions, also things to silence the pain and emptiness, get him away from that path of addressing the pain and emptiness. Because that’s where answers lie. Acknowledging the emptiness, and understanding that something is supposed to be there. And going on the journey that would stimulate and fill that void. 

So distract him, convince him that the call is coming, to keep him working. Distract him with women, with drugs & meds. Also people are distracted by their amused boredom lifestyles, where they mindlessly scroll social medias, watch reality TV, consume mindless forms of media, things that don’t really truly & intrinsically stimulate. But consume easily consumable low forms of amusement that pass the time during boredom, it’s easy on the mind. So in your time and home away from work, it’s spent on things that are distractible, but easily consumable content, that block self development and discovery, basically a true nothingness, reinforcing that idea of is this life and all truly meaningless. But with new tech and the world of VR. A “perfect world” for lost people. Socially challenged, emotionally challenged, non-stimulated, VR can fill the void, creating the ultimate human convenience. Where in the real world, you have to work to create relationships. Develop the discipline of talking and developing those relationships, and also putting the work in to gain new experiences. Where many are too socially awkward and challenged, also sedentary to achieve. You don’t have to worry about the anxiety and the work while in VR. The bonds cater to you, the experiences cater to you, just the way you want it, no work needed. Just pure pleasurable communication & experiences without needing the discipline to develop the relationship, and the time & effort to create new experiences. It caters to your comfort. You get to constantly stay in your comfort. It creates the perfect world and environment. You can live the “dream”. Your boredom will be amused. Just a world with constant instant gratification and pleasures. A dream world architected by someone who has undeveloped beauty. It gets old fast. 

Why is this the world they want on us? To just resign from true honest forms of living. Remain in your docile seats. And they’ll create “paradise” for you, they created mechanisms that will ultimately convenience you, but the flip side of getting complete convenience, living becomes obsolete, creating a true nothingness. But now with you attached to their mechanisms every second of every day, they get to monetize off your participation. While it would behoove them for you to have your freedom. It will behoove them for you to have free will outside their authority. It will behoove them for you to create paradise or a beautiful living outside of them, and especially for you to share that message. They become obsolete and meaningless themselves, when you become independent of them. Because it seems like they need us, so it’s really a war of who’s going to become obsolete first, who’s going to win this cosmic spiritual war?

Then he finally truly gets to speak to management. He goes to the showrunner. Asking the questions off all questions. What am I living for? What’s the purpose of all this? And where so many people would go to these “higher level” people asking these questions in search of the source for everything. You realize it’s not the right question. Those people aren’t the source, they don’t hold special foundational human knowledge that is hidden from the whole world. They’re just another person. They aren’t these all knowing beings that know the answers of life. They’re just money guys that gather and pillage a lot of the world’s assets and resources. They’re money guys that want more money. And they do things to get more money and power. No deep foundational truth. Just money, status, and power. So it’s in their best interest to paint the world like that. To make it seem like they are these foundational humans with all the knowledge of prosperity. And seemingly you need them if you want to learn how to prosper.

Infantilize the world, disable their tools so you can make them a tool. Destroy human autonomy. Destroy independence. Until they don’t have the competence or expertise to build a sustainably viable life for themselves. Now they need management and authority to give them stability. So they aren’t going to be disobedient to their managers and authoritative figures, in exchange for safety, stability, and security. So all this disorder and chaos is manufactured, in order to maintain this control. Also worldwide disorder & chaos is massively profitable for the few. These are humanoids, the psychopaths, they are the embodiment of empty nothingness. And they project their empty reality on the world. To them there’s nothing. Only thing is what they can see in the world. Live for making that pleasurable, for vanity. Forget developing the discipline to build a viable vibrant life for yourself. Your fate and paradise will be decided for you, one that will make money for management. They’re creating an “apocalypse”. Not the world’s apocalypse, but their own. Apocalypse’s original definition is just lifting of the veil, revealing of the light and untold truths, that’s it, beautifully foundational life epiphanies. But psychopaths rewrote the story to project their own apocalypse onto their world, which in their perspective is an accurate to their experience. Their apocalypse, when they lift the veil, they see a nothingness, their lifting of the veil is darkness, their revelation is darkness. No true life and beauty to live for. Just born destined to hell, that’s their truth, and many times their life’s work is to spread their truth. So might as well create the greatest vanity they can. The world is meaningless, not because it truly is. The world is meaningless because it’s in the hand of empty monsters that project their own apocalypse onto the whole world. And like management said. He’s just a guy, he’s not anyone special. The person he represents, matches the actions of so many others in those management executive positions. I don’t think this is orchestrated so perfectly as many would think, that evil is orchestrated under a mysterious cabal. I don’t think they have that much competence. I think this is a natural trait within so many amongst us within humanity, and it’s not that this is an orchestrated cabal, many of these evil occurrences and people truly never met each other or had encounters of the source. 

Like the story of the soul being in the stomach as said from multiple and different generations of people that have never met before. So what’s the coincidence of that? I don’t feel it’s a coincidence at all. There’s natural patterns that replicate themselves in very similar fashion within nature. You don’t have to be inspired by certain things, so you can get a similar outcome to something that already exists. You could have just created something and it can be oddly similar to someone else’s work, already existing work. You are a soul that emits light. And sometimes when you express that light, it’s very patternistic how it was expressed, it’s like already existing things. And I feel that can happen with evil as well. Many evil, psychopathic, parasitic entities have a lot of the same similar tactics. And it’s not a conference where they all meet up to take over this world(even though that may and most likely does happen). Evil just replicates itself in patternistic ways all over. There’s not this grand answer like who controls all this. It’s more likely we’re in a patternistically destructive perpetuating system that is going down very fast. And until we as people stop being infantilized and docile, and we come together to rise against evil collectivism. That’s when the absurdist dystopian crumbles. But until then, we remain in this destructive perpetual cycle that will fulfill the dark prophecy to collapse society. 

Also & lastly, with so many of you waiting for your calling. You’re not going to find the calling on earth doing that. You can’t wait and it’ll arrive. You have to create the beauty you want to experience in the world. You have to experience life. You can’t live a docile life. Yes, being safe is safe, but it breeds stagnation and apathy. You need to risk life, yes there’s risk, but you bring in the chance of beauty, love, and barring a soul. So many people just listen to their authority. Thinking if they do all the right things. They’ll be rewarded with a calling. When their authority was always nefarious. They have zero care for your well-being. But a pure want to profit all they can off the backs of you. With things like leaving your illness and diseases untreated, but dealing with the symptoms to quiet the disease. Making it seem like they are there helping you, when truly they are there to ensure they can constantly still profit off you. Keeping you a sick returning patient.

 And when Qohan sees this apocalypse, revelation. He sees that he wasted all this time waiting, when he could’ve created a life for himself the whole time. And he knows it’s way too late on his road to something meaningful. He’s broken from the amount of seconds and years spent absolutely wasted.

Falls in this psychosis delusion. Completely resigned from the real world, because for him it doesn’t matter anymore, it holds no value. I’m gonna slip into my psychosis delusion crisis. And I have the means of technology to do so. A Brazil-like ending. Fall into nothingness.

“…and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you”. Qohen gazed too long into the abyss and didn’t seek truly something else. He just looked entirely at the abyss trying to understand it. 

If we keep going down this mass docile and idle path, that humanity as majority has been going down. We will end up at the point where we would have manufactured the devil’s lair all around us. Basically getting to the point where evil & the devil can reveal itself, remaining in the dark is obsolete now, especially when the evil prophecy has been fulfilled of creating a collapse on society, making all meaningless, and siphoning life and nature out of this world. To the point all we would have is the psychopathic humanoid’s mechanism, their lifeless artificial mechanisms. Resign from making a life of true meaning and aspiring for beauty, because the opportunity for that has exponentially diminished, or completely gone. And as the new rulers, we will create your paradise, your experience will be under our control, with VR and AR to give you the reality of your dreams, we can create all the synthetic food you need, and we’ll supplement and medicate you with all you need to sustain this. Beauty has gone extinct. The Dark Prophecy has been fulfilled, All is For Nothing. And of course people seeing the devil, basically evil present itself, they will finally break from their docile & lack of agency way of life. They will finally get that great change they needed their whole life, they will finally get that courage they needed their whole life, they will get that tenacity to live that they needed their whole life. Their life’s on the line and now they finally have the courage to fight for it. They’re finally awakened, to a rude awakening though. This newfound courage and tenacity to live,  is a part of the dark prophecy. You waited until the devil appeared, until evil presented itself, until the parasites metastasized to gain control of enough powerful mechanisms, and the door to the devil’s lair closed behind you, your fate was sealed by then. You don’t get to be a brand new person now, you were supposed to be a courageous person before, creating the life you want to live before, and also being a good person before, when you had the chance to live. But no, you let life dwindle away. You denied aspiring for the Beauty of God, you denied being proactive for that, but you are now reactive to seeing the devil, seeing evil present itself, and now screaming for God, screaming for forgiveness. No more pleading now, your fate is sealed. 

You can’t live a docile obedient life, expecting to be rewarded purpose and the beauty of life. That comes with the path of valor, taking life into your own hands and creating the life you want to live. Docile and obedient behavior for appeasing authority, may reward you with gifts inside a world that is manufactured by man, docileness is satisfying the entities within a manufactured world. But this can deprive you of the true blessings from the entirety of life, it’s important to make that distinction between certain worlds and life. The world only encapsulates what we live within, where life encapsulates all. 

Another great Terry Gilliam film, I loved it, had an amazing premise.

Manufacturing An Artificial “Paradise”: The Meaningless World Of VR & AR. Instantly Gratifying Worlds Of Perfect Pleasures.


(Dec. 29, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette)

(A piece and theory from my book that continues this much needed dialogue of artificial meaningless)

I saw this tweet that reemerged from like 8 years ago. Basically a tweet From 2015 saying we will be having sex with robots in 10 years. At the time I believed it, but for a smaller marginal portion of the population, who are just weird and kinky. But I see these modern numbers now for the amount of adults not having sex. There’s a large sexless portion of society, that has been perpetuated through ridiculous social networking and media channels, perpetuating these ridiculous relationship and sex values & views, that behooves a lot of people. Also through those same channels creating a lot of divisive division between women & men, and a lot more other things. Also with technology and social media creating a lot of socially awkward and inept people. Basically creating larger sexless societies, perpetuating into a growing sexless society. 

But now you don’t need to worry, because the hero sex tech is here. No more conflicts in creating the situation of sex for yourself. You don’t need to develop those natural characteristics of doing natural in-person things, sex tech will bypass it for you. You don’t need to know how to have sex, because now, you have sexpods. And this where I see a lot of destruction happening within sex. We’re destroying human to human relations. Also so many people just instantly gratifying their sexual desires through all these tech hybrid toys. It’s like opioid sex, where over time you may lose natural stimulation, especially through another human, due to the over usage of tech toys. Same probably for men as well, I just hear women talk about their rose toys and devices more. Whenever you have these artificial instant gratification mechanisms, typically over time you see this zombie effect take place. And this growing meaningless, you’re not really doing anything besides grabbing your mechanism to instantly gratify you. Which corrodes the natural mechanisms inside you, so you can’t gain those natural stimulations and beauties, you only can interact with your artificial mechanisms. Then when humanity gets the comfortability to intertwine into the immersive AR & VR worlds with sex compatibility, that’s going to be a growing game over. And now thinking about it, maybe with things like neuralink, you will have an artificial world, available and capable for all, even the disabled, they too can create their paradise. People are going to artificially simulate all their sexual desires. Like let me just brainstorm, I see sex room orgies, and people don’t have to show up as themselves if they’re insecure about that. They can create the perfect versions of themselves. This is where we may be heading, so many people won’t deny this technocracy. 

All your worldly pleasures all-in-one device. You don’t need to do anything, we’ll bypass it all. You don’t need to learn how to read or learn, AI can do that for you. You don’t need to learn how to meet people, it’s easy in these AR & VR worlds. You don’t need to cook, clean, or handle any maintenance, it will be dealt with at the click of a button. You don’t need to work on your body image, in AR & VR you can curate the exact image you want for yourself, and also sound whatever way you like. Make yourself tall, pretty, lightskin, white, curly or straight hair, perfect teeth, your dream body parts, simulate it however you like. Live wherever you want, this cyberspace has unlimited digital estate, by a beach front, in an extremely big mansion. You can digitally adopt, and create the perfect family, polyamorous style if you want, or we’ll make digital copies of the perfect partners if you don’t want to share. You can drive whatever cars, and have all the luxuries. Now we have this new ability to digitize all tastes, so you can eat whatever you want. All conflicts will be convenienced. You don’t need the conflict of anything, we’ll do everything. We’ll give you the paradise of a lifeless world. 

The problem will emerge when the line between artificial and reality will be blurred, I mean we are kind of already there, and getting there more, and they haven’t even unveiled  all the technological devices of the future yet. The real world will then become meaningless and they will only want to remain in the artificially simulated world, because again they see no value in the natural world. Why live a nightmare on earth, when you can pick up a device and live in paradise, and maybe that’s where you can see someone manipulating a dystopian real world, so they can sell their artificial “paradise”. We’re heading towards game over as humanity…woah that’s crazy, Spy Kids 3-D Game Over, I promise on everything this came together naturally. But really it’s game over, we’re creating an artificial society that a large portion of the population wouldn’t want to leave and come back to reality here. 

Also VR & AR , with making these hyper-realistic worlds, humans will struggle to differentiate the difference between reality & artificialness. Once you go through some loops where you think it’s reality and you’re actually in the artificial world, you kind of lose that line separating real & the artificial, and get to the point, you just have to accept whatever is in front of you is real, whether if it’s real or artificial. Which may induce extreme levels of psychosis, where you don’t know what’s real anymore. Some issues that can stem from that. In artificial reality, maybe you could die and kill artificially, then artificially respawn. Getting acclimated with that, will give you extreme false senses of reality. Where you don’t know what real death means anymore. Then think of the chaotic things that can spawn from that. What if you become too immersed in a world, where you get to free play something like first-person virtual reality GTA. A first person lawless citizen, what if someone were to get too immersed into those worlds. And then coming back to reality, and maybe they wouldn’t be able to truly decipher between reality and the artificial world. That could lead to a lot of VR & AR induced lawless crimes. There should really be a VR, AR, and AI government set up, for ethical purposes. But I don’t know if anyone or group could stop the inevitable artificial world takeover.

With most to all conflicts being convenienced, that will block human development. That will block the growth of humans, and start the deterioration and degeneration of humans. Producing hyper-infantile generations and with large portions of the current population. Also many people won’t understand beauty, they won’t understand the overwhelming beautifulness of having a present soul and spirit, and the fruitful blessings that stem from that. They will not understand the natural beauty of the world, where in a digitized world, it will turn into randomness that might not be spotted or understood. The true meaning of nature will be tossed away for a random digitized and artificial world. The purposefulness and meaningfulness of every aspect of the beauty within nature will be lost. Then the beauty, and the fruitful blessings of baring a soul will become meaningless, when coming in contact with pure artificial instantly gratifying pleasures at your command. The disciplines, work, and effort that goes into stimulating those natural mechanisms of our inner humanity will go unused, unstimulated, become obsolete, and corrode over time. Beauty and love may corrode. The beautiful purposefulness of that discipline, and natural conflict you have to put in work to develop to get those overwhelmingly natural beautiful essence of beauty & love, will be lost in the pure world of artificialness. Since they wouldn’t see the beauty beyond the natural conflict and discipline, the beautiful purposefulness architected by God, they’ll simply disregard and bypass them with the artificial mechanisms in place, not knowing they’re erasing beauty and soul along with it. Then rolling into their hedonistic artificial paradise of meaninglessness and hell. This is where this heads. Value the beauties of nature, life, conflict, discipline, and humanity, before it’s all destroyed into lifeless meaningless. 

PS: Say you make it to the day where you see how realistic the artificial world is, when on a surfaceable level, it’s a hyper replicated and simulated version of the world. What’s stopping you from believing that you have been in it the whole time…I mean for this to have any relevance towards you, you would have to have experienced some form of virtual reality device, and have been in that immersive world.

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