(Mar. 14, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette)
The Wave was very interesting, what it was speaking to. Basically can Nazi Germany happen again? And most people would think that’s absolutely crazy. That we are so far removed from Nazi Germany.
This film depicts how false of a narrative that is. What was Nazi Germany? How did they get to that point? Were the members evil humans from the start, or were they regular everyday humans who were convinced and institutionalized into this way of life. Because there could’ve been around 8 million Nazi members. I find it hard to believe that evil is that potent. That there could be that potent amount of psychopaths in the world, that were naturally walking the earth. And they came as psychopaths. I believe as it pertains to the general public, humans are more a product of their environment. They adapt to their environment and their circumstances. To create something like Nazi Germany you have to instill extreme discipline, create uniformity through institutionalizations. Have a strong central ideology, zero tolerance for anything outside of this ideology. Create an enemy that you are going against. Make them feel like the enemy is opposing something that goes against their humanity. It’s either you comply and are a part of the movement and ideology or you’re an enemy. With complete uniformity, control becomes very easy. You have an army of people that move as one. So you address them as one and the message is easily received throughout all. Which gives whoever programs these messages very powerful. There’s a super power within the people, especially when they come together. The bigger it grows, the less likely anyone dares to stand out and challenge it, very powerful group. Then if someone were to take the leadership role of this group, they gain all the power. A force to be reckoned with, depending on how intense of a fist they lead with. And that’s where Hitler comes in. One of the cruelest authoritative figures in human history. He had a zero tolerance, absolutely nationalist destructive approach. Destroy everything that isn’t one of them. Hitler was undoubtedly an absolutely evil creature. But how did he get your everyday person to join this evil lifestyle? And it’s like I’ve been saying in a lot of my recent reviews. Humans are more of their environment, then they are a decider of their own construct. There’s always the question how far are humans willing to go in the name of being compliant to their authoritative figures. Nazi Germany was a huge example of there being no bounds to where authoritative figures will take them, and it will go unquestioned, because who dares question authority, especially one like Hitler.
As dark as it may sound. Humans are capable of Nazi Germany, because Nazi Germany happened. And it wasn’t a fluke in human history. It isn’t the highest death toll made by a group. It isn’t the most recent concentration camp, there’s multiple camps currently existing. That wasn’t the last display of xenophobia and genocide. Of course they are being headed by evil influence and figures, but it’s held together on the backs of compliant humans picked from the general population. They believe or are participating in their institutionalizations that are leading these cruel destructive lifestyles.
We have so many institutions with these sentiments and aspects. And a lot of them have this for the greater good complex that these people believe in. Look at the army. They have signed up for kill missions, in the name of American nationalism. But what are they really fighting for? The greed of their authoritative figures. Did they question that before they went under their intense circumstances of discipline to create extreme powerful uniformity. Did they question when they went out to kill innocent people that they see as enemies? Your everyday human participates in that. Corporate companies, especially pharmaceutical companies like OxyContin makers, who plagued America with that. And had a large network of your everyday person to participate in that. And there’s so many more examples.
You can even go to America. There is an extreme rise in unsettledness and outrage. With all these extreme radical ideologies that your everyday person takes part in, especially that is constantly displayed through the media. The media is like the ominous presence leaving weapons for different groups to battle. Also there’s this extreme mob mentality. Where if you don’t agree with either ideology, you are an absolute enemy, such a radical and volatile approach. These absolutely radical groups, that have vitriol hatred for each other. That would probably want the eradication of each other. I asked myself if there were two opposing groups that were in a very radical state. And if there was a big red button that one group could eradicate their opposing group with. I’m struggling to believe that the button wouldn’t be pressed. Something that should be unfathomable. These radical disputes are at a very volatile state. There’s a strong belief system that these groups believe in. And we’ve seen some groups come together with violent and riot intent. It wouldn’t take much for these groups to organize and grow their unification, and gain that bigger than life leadership role that calls for violent action. Then with this privacy destroying technocracy that’s amongst us. Destroying privacy to the point of extreme invasiveness to ensure everyone’s compliance, or else they will be ostracized. So really how far are we from Nazi Germany-like construct, or how far are we from an autocracy, or are we already in it, just in disguise of democracy.
That last Hitler-like speech monologue tied this whole film together. Even though you can tell it was Hitler-esque and problematic in some aspects. But you felt what he was speaking to. They were very reasonable talking points. With how the rich is getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, he was connecting. So it was understanding how people could buy into a system like that. They were finally being heard after living so dormantly and passively in their lives, they were awakening and they liked it. So it was visible to see how someone can buy into something like this. Then he brought up a traitor and they willingly listened to authority, no questions asked. And he got to a point where they were willing to make a traitor pay, your everyday person wasn’t above something they thought they were against.
That speech was important because there are figures like that today. That can inspire large groups of people, and awaken or spark a fire inside of people. So many people are feeling the heavy effects of this cruel and cutthroat reality. It’s hard to get by. And a lot of humanity is justifiably angry. So it’s gonna be easy for a leader to rise from the ashes to rally up these groups of people to take action. Look at someone like Andrew Tate. He had a huge following and connected to many everyday people, and the people believed in him, and were willing to follow his lead. He had an authoritative presence that they believed in, and he preached a ruthless discipline. A bit more organization and he could’ve had a huge impact on society, whether that be negative or positive. The point is, it’s possible, and it was happening. With other figures as well. You have a lot of the general population just following behind these figures. With extreme discipline and ideology.
So it’s becoming less of a question, is Nazi Germany possible. And more of a question of when is it gonna present itself, and how will it present itself, what will it look like. The people are not above it. As dark as it sounds, Hitler was undeniably evil, but Nazi Germany is a very possible human behavior.