(Nov. 13, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)
I don’t understand the bad reviews this film received, it’s absurd. This film was phenomenal. With a profound premise. I love a story to uncover the real problem of corruption in the world. I don’t think people have the prerequisite understanding of the paternalistic corruption we have in this world.
The most important part of this film that tied not only this film together, but the understanding of real life corruption was the ‘Cuckoo Bird’. The cuckoo bird can’t build its own nest. The cuckoo bird is a parasitic bird, the cuckoo is Psychopath. Tampering with other birds’ eggs and destroying their nest. Destroying other birds’ livelihood. Cuckoo mother birds lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, and won’t take care of their own, leaving other birds to do that. Cuckoo takes full advantage of their own life to live. Showing they may not have the ability to care for other life other than their own. Then those eggs hatch and take out all the birds so it can receive all the benefits for itself. Very reminiscent of the behavior of psychopaths in human civilization. They are parasitic. They don’t have the human aspect that makes us human, they don’t have access to soul and love, which is essentially the core element of life. Which decapitates their ability to create, basically they can’t create a nest, and don’t have the ability to love and form connections, so they lead these lives of destruction. And it’s just their nature. Naturally parasitic. Then these Evils conspire together to control the power of the world, so they can see through their destructive agenda, from a strong central point that can have an effect on the masses. A strong central point like the government and heads of monopolized organizations that can affect large portions of the general public. While collecting massive wealth from the general public. The Committee of the 5, that’s what they were. A small group of people, who have massive ownership of the world and the industries. They conspire together, and due to the access of power they have, the amount of people they can influence and bribe. The things they can do to the people. They have a lot of say in what happens in the world. Growing their network of destruction. They have a lot of government connections in the palms of their hands. The government isn’t corrupted itself, it’s just currently not strong enough to fight off the corruption. The mega corporations basically run the government, and the people of these corporations are corrupted and evil. They have no care for the well-being of the masses, and use all the industries that are supposed to service humans for their own self interests, IE the pharmaceutical companies.
Anybody that gets in the way of their agenda will be “fixed”. Reason why there was such a strong element of corrupted medical.
Especially with Valerie, she was fine her whole life, but when you speak out, “coincidentally” there are these doctors that diagnosed her with epilepsy that would give her seizures, but could be treated with “meds”, which led to these side effects they deemed were “hereditary”. It just seems like this would be very convenient for someone. It’s not just a regular doctor. It’s a doctor who works with somebody with a horse in the race. And these doctors are assisted by these “handlers” that are inserted into these people’s lives. Like Libby’s relationship with Valerie. She acts like she has her best interest, but she has a higher up she’s reporting to. And then you have the psych wards where maybe these whistleblowers can be sent to. They can get “fixed” there. Where people can make them zombies and turn their minds to mush. Or make someone appear as crazy.
Like look at the whole Kanye situation. He spoke out, taken to the hospital by his handler. Injected with multiple medications. Diagnosed as bipolar, and has been written off by society. Every time he speaks up, he’s seen as ridiculous, written off as this crazy person.
This was the main premise of this amazing film. Even though there were a lot of fictional elements in the film. It speaks to the very real strange “happenings” of this corrupted society. People speaking up about the evil higher ups and bad things happening to them and their family. That evil cult like trying to play god, and trying to “fix the world”, “change everything for the better” when they’re the ones who need fixing or better off removal from society. These filthy servants who see out these crooked people’s plans, who always have a sinister feel to them like Libby & Tom. They are always smiling and coming off as your “friend” and act as they stand for good, but they have a corrupted agenda. That’s why it’s always so weird when people smile too much. Or the people who silence people. People like whistleblowers get silenced, like the person that pushed Elizabeth under the car, which was very funny. Also the reason Bill Meekins strangely winded up dead.
Think about the supervillains that want to destroy humanity from the earth. I never understood the reason why, what happens after they accomplish their goal. And that’s probably the wrong thinking, you shouldn’t use human reasoning. Think from a parasitic and psychopathic point of view, and it’s just their nature. It’s senseless, there is no human reasoning to wrap your brain around, it will drive anyone crazy trying to understand their wrath. They just are who they are, they are going to destroy. We as a people have to come together to take them out of power, and it may be simpler than what people may think, it takes human unity to save humanity. If the masses come together, the evil has no army and power to utilize, they become powerless.
This spoke less about this one story, and is speaking about a recurring evil that has plagued society for quite some time now, even today. That’s why I felt this was a bold and brave story that had to be told, and could be a part of the reason it had bad reception. That kept me away from watching it. But after watching this it was a top 5 film of the year.
Really liked the performances. Also the awkward and quirky flow of the film.
I need to to thank you for this good read!! I certainly loved every bit of it. I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you postÖ