The Thing(1982) Analysis: Parasites Are Amongst Us, In The Dark. Which Ones Of Us Are They?

(Nov. 8, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) 

So that was amazing. John Carpenter got straight to the point with this movie.

What is The Thing? And it’s this parasitical entity. There was a lot of parasite subtext to this movie, but since I knew a bit about parasites, I grasped a lot of what this movie was. Parasites are an entity that inhabits a host, tries or does take over the host mechanisms and control, and manipulates it into doing things that would feed the parasite, grow the parasitical structure. And why, because it needs a host, without a host to survive off of, it will perish fast probably. So its survival depends on it.

This parasite has fast emulation ability, where it can appear, sound, and fully pose as whatever entity it takes over, which was the dog that later inhabited a human. You just see all its subtle nature to lure the humans into advantageously helping grow the parasitical mechanism. Where the best tactic to fend off the parasite is to work together and be a team to track down this parasite to dismantle it.

It can be hard to find, because they like to remain in the dark and unknown, that’s why they like to work in the shadows. So if you really want to find them, you have to understand their ways a bit, to set up a strategic way to get them out of the dark.

But parasites when backed into a corner and a zone of its own demise will impose their wrath. Like when they were doing the blood test, to test for a parasitic entity, a great strategy to weed them out of the dark. And that’s when all hell breaks loose, and even if everyone is able to get control of the situation after, the parasite probably grew its mechanism by then, within all the chaos that broke loose.

Now the team work and the trust is broken. Paranoia is maxed out. Everyone is an enemy to each other, because the trust is burnt. No one knows what’s what. It’s a deceitful mechanism. They thrive off confusion, and fear. They thrive off chaos and destruction. They thrive off people choosing individualism, and hate collective teams and systems against them, so they work to disband them and cause distrust, divide and conquer. And when it’s like that, you can’t defend against the parasitical mechanism, it will win the war when you’re playing in their playground of chaos and destruction. The war is over and in their hands by then. Unless people come together, and build and develop a system of collectivism to destroy this parasitical structure. If that’s not gonna happen, if you think you’re going to survive in the parasites chaotic playground and you only have yourself and maybe a few others for survival, and that wouldn’t even work because how can you even trust your team hasn’t been compromised yet, so if you think only yourself is going to survive in the parasitical chaotic playground, you will not. Might as well take yourself out to not be a part of the destruction. And that’s basically how the movie ended up, to the last two. Have they been compromised by the parasite or did they take the last of it out. And in a deceiving manner, most likely the humans didn’t win this war. And world contamination is imminent. 

Where did these creatures come from? And from what I know about parasites. This probably wasn’t an alien species that just flew to earth. This was most likely a parasite that took over another planet. And became very advanced survival wise, and grew to develop an immense amount of survival skills and abilities. To where it can instantly replicate its host. And for growth of their destruction. They utilized their host to get to another planet, to where they can parasitically invade another world of life to inhabit. Keep growing their mechanism and developing. Maybe until they are universe dominant. What’s the end game? And maybe it’s to destroy all. The price life has to pay for the parasite not being granted the life of being able to harbor one independently of a host. Vindictiveness for not being able to be their own host. I don’t think they’re looking for a Fall of Rome or Fall of Babylon, they may be looking to achieve the Fall of Life. 

You can see a lot of this parasitical entity within our reality. Luckily they don’t have John Carpenter’s version of parasite. That parasitical replication ability is too surreally scary. But the parasite that is in our reality has already metastasized to be world dominant. The parasitical structure has grown to affect all humans, many directly, but mainly everyone potently indirectly. This psychopathic, devilish, and demonic parasitical entity, it’s difficult to be seen and recognized. It’s hidden very well. Their patterns are out in the open, but they put this veil of blissful ignorance to where you won’t acknowledge its presence. And even if some can recognize the signs of one, many of those still won’t recognize the entire system of the parasitical structure. And if you do, you will be seen as crazy to people that it’s invisible to, which is the majority of the world. Just written off as conspiratorial garbage. The parasitical structure will further assist in making you look crazy, painting that narrative, the ones that are part of the parasitical army. “one of Satan’s most effective deceptions is to make people doubt or dismiss the idea of his existence, thereby allowing evil to go unnoticed or unopposed.” The parasite gets to remain in the dark. People find it harder to believe the existence of satan, than it is to believe the way of the world is just heinous just because. But to the people who notice it, and the parasites see you see it, you will feel its wrath, and be taken out in the dark. 

How does this parasite inhabit humans? It sets the table, it offers instant gratification, it offers vanity, it offers hedonism. And if you want to buy into this world, you have to abandon humanity, and your care for it, and you will turn to self preserving greed. Lose your empathy and connection to other life outside of yourself. To where you can obtain your hedonistic vanity by any means. And it’s a very disruptive mechanism to humanity. Look at these corporations, politicians, systems of powers, criminal organizations. These parasites want money, sex, status, and power. So they build these pyramid scheming structures, to where they can be fed their parasite host massive levels of what It thrives off of. Loads of vanity and hedonistic means. While they get to see civilizations fall. Look at all these crises. World starvation, when there’s enough food, but the parasites deceived the public from obtaining that. Economic crises, there’s enough resources to go around, but the parasites have deceived the world that it’s normal for 1% of the world, and even less than that will hold a massive majority of the wealth of the world, which is probably the main parasitical population. Where there is a diseased pandemic that was probably let out to the public by the parasitical structure to cause chaos & destruction. And to impose more control by the parasites. Also through means of constant war, you get destruction and you get more control. Opioid crisis, housing/economic crisis, all these are done with the same parasitical pattern. By the same parasitical network and types of people who are probably compromised by this parasite, that just wants to grow the parasitical structure and collapse society. 

These parasitical mechanisms like to remain in the dark. Whether it’s the corporate and political puppet masters, whether it’s the mafia or other criminal organizations that like to remain in the shadows, whether it’s snitch rules and keeping the truth in the dark, whether it’s police corruption and keeping the blue shield or code of silence. Then use extreme shame, fear, and emasculating tactics to intimidate and deter people from exposing them and the truth, putting light on the parasite. If the parasite was exposed to truth or light, people wouldn’t just accept a mechanism that’s just obviously malevolent and extraterrestrial seeming parasite. It must be dealt with to get rid of, which leaves the parasite and its host vulnerable. The host and parasite connected would need to be taken out or quarantined to where the parasite can’t get to any source to feed on and gain any power. That’s why it must remain in the dark, to be able to grow its mechanism in the shadows. And as the mechanism grows, it’s more confident, to where they start showing themselves, they don’t need to hide. They have too much power and defense to be affected, and their presence and power is paralyzing. They are rapidly in the process of collapsing the world. And even in their blatant manner, many still don’t acknowledge, there is a parasitical entity right in our faces, an entire system that is out to destroy us all. We can not in the parasite’s playground defeat it, we will fall to its immense power. If we don’t work together collectively to dismantle this parasite, then humanity’s demise is upon us. And they are almost at the point of not needing manpower anymore, they are showing that they are almost at the point of that. When you visibly see some of their strongest soldiers get dropped from the structure, with all their access to vanity and hedonism. They are onto something else maybe. And it’s dark and extremely more insidious what’s next. A mechanism that humanity will not have a defense against. Even if we were to collectively come together today, and back the parasite in a corner. We haven’t seen their modern day wrath. They haven’t been challenged on a major level. I don’t think we are ready for that wrath with all the mechanisms they utilize. We’re in imminent danger. We need humanity to see this structure, so we know there’s an enemy, a worldly powerful one. So we can all understand the fate of humanity depends on us coming together to dismantle the parasitical structure and the parasites themselves. Or the Fall of Humanity will come, our ultimate demise. 

Great movie. Amazing Sci-Fi FX, like that’s the work and quality I want to see being put into Sci-Fi. You actively feel the FX. Whereas I feel with CGI, it’s just visual things, that don’t really mean anything, it takes away the human essence, the amazing effects when the FX are actually crafted. It feels real, where CGI is just visuals.

But great character choice. Amazing story and premise. A movie that I should’ve watched already. But I loved it.

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