The Rise of Photography led to a Boom in Abstract Art. How will we do that with Language?

kanye west / charlamagne interview

(Sept. 5, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)

The invention and innovation of photography. Was a big push in the movement of realism and naturalism art to abstract art. Abstract art was already around, but photography was very impactful and instrumental in the rise of it. Mainly because there was less of a need to paint exactly what you saw. A camera had the ability to do that. So with photographic pictures doing the job. Artists could focus less on strict structures, and emphasize and prioritize other things about their art. Express concepts, ideas, and feelings as loosely as they wanted to.

The Case for Abstraction

Basically I would want this in language and writing. There is already a high level of realism in writing. So many tools for that. Let’s dive into a more loose structure of language. Prioritize precision of language less. Be more accepting of abstract forms of language. Honestly I don’t value grammar and structure in my writing as much. It bothers me and feels reductive sometimes. I prioritize conveying how I feel about things. So showing my scattered thoughts through things like lack of punctuations. Can convey my somewhat manic and hyper feeling form of expression. More reflective of who I am and my mannerisms in writing. Rather than using a uniformed formulaic structure that takes away from my personality. Reductive to the message I’m trying to convey. All I really care about is mainly feeling. I care about concepts and ideas. These are what make you, you. I’m not a person who really values structure.

That could be a reason why I don’t value lyricism as much in music. I like it sometimes, but I don’t need it. Not in the minuscule cliche way that people will say sometimes it’s about the “vibe”. But music is a vast art form. Where you have such a variety of ways to convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Through sound, whatever you were trying to express, I can feel. Like silence itself can be a tool to convey a message.

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One place we do need the art form of realism is emotion. We are so underdeveloped as people in that area(I wouldn’t say myself though, I feel like I’m an emotional genius, but with a lot more to feel and learn). The genre of art form we use is basically no art form. We don’t express ourselves, or counterproductively be obscure and abstract, basically jargon. Which sometimes is emotional gibberish. We don’t understand each other. Mainly because we refuse to express ourselves. With my belief in that I feel our emotions, how we feel, our spirit, is who we are. And our lack of expression of that, many of us fail to see who we and each other are. That’s the reason I feel we need more realism in emotion. That’s what I prioritize most in expression. Forget about language structure and correctness. I could be as abstract as I want, but you will see how I exactly feel though, in a realism way. I’m going to give it straight to you. No abstract feelings or metaphors you have to ponder to understand. I’m going to express realism emotion. Do you know how impactful it would be to the world with realism in emotion? We all understood how we felt. I feel that movement would be monumental.

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