(Oct. 30, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)
Aww man that was amazing. The Lego Movie has to be inducted in the 250 greatest movies of all time. And I believe it can be a top 50 film.
First you start out with the war of civilization. The war of Creation vs Destruction and Corporatization.
It started out so honest and truthful. The homogenization and the zombification of the general citizen. Feeding them monotonous absurdity as a culture, dullifying their culture. Making them more lifeless homogenized zombies. Make everyone fit into society. Never defying the rules or the system. And being promised and marketed the American Dream if complying.
While Emmets lives his normal life, he’s set off track and sees outside of the construct. It’s not as it seems, as promoted to the people in society, not all smiles. These people that are supposed to be working for us seem crooked and maybe working for a different agenda.
Then you see the small oligarchy, which this time is actually one controller who controls everything and all the industries. So the world is his agenda and he doesn’t have the best intent. And why, he’s a psychopath. He didn’t like that he didn’t have the ability to be a builder, a creator. While everyone else did. So he built a construct to control all of it and stop the builders from creating. And make a world where the master builders and creators are jailed, destroyed, de-powered. And create a world where citizens perfectly comply and stay in line. Become very predictable also. Be exactly what he wants them to be for his agenda. So they can all feed his needs, because he can’t create or build that for himself, he needs to leech off others for his lifeforce. So he architects a world where they all need and are dependent on him. Make sure everyone is compliant, destroy the enemies to his agenda, people who can make a life of their own, self sufficient builders. Take all those people out. Make the population obedient. To build the perfect pyramid power structure, that he places himself on top of. Being fed mass power, wealth, and validation. And he’s simply rotten inside. He wants to destroy the people, why? There is no real deep meaning of why. He’s just a psychopath, it’s in his nature. So he has to be stopped. He has too much power, and he’s gonna destroy the world. Destroy creativity. Destroy anything that can become against him. Lull the citizens to sleep and destroy them all, stop the resistance. And that’s just his nature. So the master builders and creatives get together in hopes of stopping him. But it’s simply not enough. Then he got the understanding, the special one, is anyone who believes they are special. The hero is hope. He needed the people to come together and work together to take down the agenda that’s against them. No one person can be the hero. Everyone has to be proactive and come together no matter what differences they have with each other. But it’s important they come together, because freedom can’t be fed, you need to be proactive about obtaining it. With all the forces together, they confront the Lord Business or CEO of Corporate I would like to Nickname him…
This is where it goes downhill for me. My critique of this film. I wish they would’ve depicted poverty and more injustice, and more of the cruelties of corporations and people with an all controlling agenda.
Emmet lended a hand, and sought out compassion. He sought out compassion in a psychopath. This may not be the option. And I forgot this was a kids movie, because they really should’ve stayed with the mission of taking out the Corporate CEO. He’s a psychopath, there is no saving them. There is no change of heart. It’s just ruthlessness with them. They have no ability to emphasize and understand their destruction, it’s just their nature. You have to take them down, as a people. They have eliminated too many and destroyed the livelihoods of plenty more. Compassion may not be the answer all the time. Just take out the leader and be a land of the people…
Then I had a thought. What if you can do it like that? What if you had the ability to change a psychopath? Give them the ability to build like others, be a creator, be an owner of actual human life and compassion. What if that ability was real, was possible? Then compassion could be the mission. Instead of having them as the enemy to destroy before they destroy us.
When I had that thought. I had a slight belief in it. That may be a slim chance of what the answer is. If not, then the destruction of the controllers. But if so, then I really liked how they put a cap on mass destruction. And we just have to find a way to do that.
But honestly I believe right now with a small new nuance of maybe there can be a change, a miracle, a slim one though. But honestly I believe a psychopath’s cruelty is their nature. Nothing you can do to change that. You have to get them out of the places of power. And democratize the world, so evil can’t collude for mass destruction.