The Fabelmans(2022): The Privilege to Believe in your Dreams, and Believe in the Ability to Create.

 (Nov. 30, 2022  Oslin Pierrette)

I just recently watched The Fabelmans. What I got from this film was, first you have a kid who’s going to his first movie at the theaters. And had a memorable experience that deeply affected him. Which filled his brain with ideas and visions. When his parents saw that, he was allotted all the resources to process and express those ideas and emotions. He got to create his ideas into something, and see the possibility of his creations. See the power of creation. And there he was, birthed with a vibrant passion. 

To me, it was like wow. How many kids like myself had so many cool ideas, just never had the tools and resources to believe they can come true. So we never thought to even create. The possibility wasn’t there, which makes the belief to create non-existent. Think about how many people’s imaginations are getting crushed. Imaginations are just visions in their heads that go nowhere. Imaginations aren’t valuable, it’s just things kids see, and they’ll phase out of it when they’re ready to grow up. That’s such a demoralizing decapitating outlook when you become aware to it. A living where dreams aren’t real, they’re a waste of time. Such a demoralizing despair of a life. But there’s communities that are very underprivileged, that don’t have the ability to have ideas and dreams. They’re just living a bleak life, wherever their world takes them. I come from a community full of this. I luckily saved myself from that hell-scape of life. But it took me years to even fully realize. To realize that ideas and dreams are valuable. Then more to realize dreams and ideas are some of the most valuable intangibles to have. I came to the conclusions, with no real guidance. I just lived an intense trial & error lifestyle that brought me to that conclusion. Lucky I got to that conclusion.

So it was a bit of unease to see this kid get the resources to create and see that. They were given the gift of opportunity to live a life worth living, an opportunity to truly love something. Like you love living life because of your vibrant passion, you feel purpose. And I come from a place where dreams die. Despair is all around, and that’s what we have as our role models. You work hard enough, and the work is gonna be dreadful, but if you’re lucky enough you can get a house and car. Lots of down and tired days, but people will be proud of your suffering and sacrifice. Don’t waste time on the stupid dreams either. 

What does that do to the generations after, with those despairing values? In an environment where dreams never come true. You look everywhere and you’re trapped in despair. With no resources to leave unless you’re entertaining or athletically gifted. But if you don’t have said attributes. What type of mentality does that put someone through? Knowing there’s no escape, so how does one survive and how does one live through that. So many people have this experience, and a lot of them had ideas too. Just most of them had nothing to do with an idea. 

Which destroys people’s concept of value. When you believe in yourself to create. You can create things you like. Create things of value, that maybe many people would like to buy in to. That belief gives people the opportunity to create a way of life for themselves. Create a world that they would curate, and would love to live in. But when you destroy the ability to believe in creations, that leaves people with, where do I plug myself in to this system of being a cog on the wheel. Where do I fit in? You can have only what your surroundings offer. 

Worst part about it is that many people don’t even realize that a fundamental aspect of their lives is vacant. The ability to believe and be curious about life, to experiment in those aspects. To try and see who you actually are. These concepts and values have been destroyed for them. To the point, if you try to reclaim it for yourself, a very fundamental and foundational human element of believing in yourself, they’ll write it off as something stupid. Trying to develop a foundational human element is seen as a waste of time, foolish kid behavior.

Having values like that will lead to high chances of a despairing life. Many people don’t even know they’re doomed from the start depending on what values they were born into. To rebuild society, these elements have to be reintroduced, or introduced for many. To believe in the power of your own creation. To build a lot more skilled and self-sufficient people, then turn that into communities. Highly functioning self sufficient communities. Creating a more highly competent world. Saving us from this incompetent absurdity of a world it is today. People have to understand it’s a basic human right to believe in yourself and your creations, that shouldn’t be taken away from you. Not a privilege for a few. 

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