(Nov 22, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)
I think more people should look into the ways of the Cuckoo Bird. Cuckoo Bird is a brood parasite, an animal that manipulates and relies on others to raise their young, usually using egg mimicry, with eggs that resemble the host’s. The common cuckoo does not make a nest of its own. A mother cuckoo lays their eggs in another species’ nest. And if their mimicry egg blends in good enough, the host of that nest will care for that egg as their own. Typically the cuckoo will hatch faster than the other eggs. And the cuckoo will instinctively push with their backs the egg out of the nest. So it can be the sole bird within the nest. Which will result in the cuckoo receiving all the care/nurture, food, and resources for itself. From this you can see they may not have the ability to care for other life other than their own, only have the ability to worry about their self interests. Without all the burdens, they can go on and focus on improving their own lives. They’ll destroy and manipulate others to maximize their earnings. They probably could survive if they shared, but they have this greedy nature. This is a psychopathic bird. But why, and it may be as simple as nature. They just are that way, a parasitic species.
That’s what I wanted to speak about with humans. I think many people don’t understand the concept of psychopaths. Like the cuckoo bird, they’re just as natural as nature. They are naturally a part of the human ecosystem. Also that the human psychopath is a purely destructive creature, it’s just their nature. There’s no reasoning to them, it would be a waste of time, absolutely pointless trying to understand them. Like if you lost someone or are someone who was heinously harmed by a psychopath, it’s gonna drive you crazy trying to understand why. There is no why, no childhood trauma to connect to all of it, it’s just naturally the way they are. You can’t try to frame it from a human perspective with emotions. You can’t see it from an empathetic background. Asking questions like how or why someone could cause such harm. Questioning a psychopath’s humanity is obsolete and pointless. You just have to understand that unfortunately you crossed paths with one, and have to move on. Your best bet is to stay out of their way or get rid of them.
A psychopath is a vessel with no soul. They don’t feel those human emotions. Those aspects that make humans human, like empathy, care, or happiness. They feel no remorse when they cause pain. Someone else’s pain, no matter how gruesome, just doesn’t phase them. The ability to feel beautiful emotions, that gives us the ability to connect to things such as art and people. Psychopaths simply lack that heavily or just don’t have the ability. Psychopaths basically don’t have the ability to love. They’re just cold soulless creatures, humans with no life in them.
Psychopaths can’t feel things like love, happiness, remorse, or beauty. But they can feel things such as sex, power, and rage. That’s typically what their life revolves around, purely their self interests in those fields. Due to having no ethics or morals, they’ll do whatever they have to, to get what they want. Typically in a manipulative and callous manner. But think about someone who doesn’t feel human emotions. They’re just empty beings, the only time they feel is when in contact with sex, power, and rage, also drugs. That’s the only time they are stimulated. Which naturally creates these sadistic beings.
The scary thing about psychos is how they come off. If you’re not familiar with them, which most aren’t, and even if you are, you wouldn’t be able to tell that you’re in the presence of one. They blend in with society. They understand they have something absent that other humans have, so they just mimic the behaviors of other humans, mimic human emotions. They will be who people want them to be. They are chameleons. They are deemed very charming. All this to gain the trust of others, get their hooks in them. For the sole purpose to exploit them, and siphon whatever they can out of them. But the worst part is the gaslighting. The psycho will never feel remorse for what they did, so no closure will be given to the victim that trusted them. Psychopaths are often told they live double lives. Their presentable side, the chameleon side that the public sees, the act, and the cold and callous side that they actually are. It’s an intensely dark dichotomy of the difference between the two. They can just give you that charming smile, make you believe in them. Sell you on who they want you to believe in, exploit you, and even if you find out. Clear as day sometimes, it doesn’t matter because most likely you will never get that admittance, emphasis on never. There is no closure, which may leave you unresolved and unsatisfied. But it’s better to leave like that sooner, than to send you deeper into the abyss of lies and gaslighting(Watch The ShrinkNext Door(2021) on Apple TV+, for a perfect depiction of what I’m talking about). Mind boggling and absolute gaslighting that those two characters come from the same person. Again, why are there these pseudo empty humans, and they just are. Just apart of nature.
You have different levels of psychopaths. High level ones, like the serial killers who just are very violent. But you also have high functioning psychopaths. Where they may not be physically violent, but they still intend to harm in other ways. Those are the ones I want to talk about. Psychopaths are only one percent of the population. But due to their very limited construct, they have heavy concentration in certain places. Easiest to guess is jail/prison, a lot of psychopaths are simply going to prison, or end up dead with related reasons. But psychopaths also have a heavy concentration in powerful positions, like top level executives, CEOs, or lawyers. Psychopaths try to find their way on top of power structures. Because in those positions, they are fed all their needs in high concentration. These power structures perfectly benefit their construct of sex, power, money, and drugs. Its estimated 1 in 100 people are psychopaths, but 1 in 5 CEOs and top level execs are psychopaths.
These psychos have no sense of remorse for anyone’s livelihood. They don’t care what happens. Also sadistically may get off on the idea of destroying people’s lives, and benefiting off that. So it’s a perfect trait for cutthroat business. They’re just like the cuckoo bird, where there’s definitely enough food to go around. But in cuckoo fashion, they pose like they’re a regular person like everyone else. Then eliminate as many people as possible to keep all the earrings for themselves. Even if they amass a good amount of wealth, it doesn’t matter, the greed never stops. That’s their livelihood, that’s their purpose. It’s their game of life that they’re absolutely hooked to. The reason this matters, these people are in positions that have a major impact on human well-being. They dictate society. Positions that are supposed to service the general public. Whether it’s the medical field and pharmaceuticals, food industry, environmental/fossil fuel/ energy industries, finance industry, entertainment industry, politics, etc. Each industry is heavily riddled with psychopaths. Psychopaths that have absolutely no care for these industries, other than to siphon them. That’s why you see egregious corruption in all industries. All these industries that are supposed to be of service to the general public, they siphon and utilize it for their own self interests. Basically The Boys Club I always refer to, the leaders of these industries. That’s why you’ll hear sayings like we’re led by the most greedy, and the least noble. Why have they been able to have such power for so long, why is their structure so impenetrable. Because knowing the power these positions offer, and that it provides them their life force, because they are blood, power, and money thirsty creatures. They don’t want to let it go no matter what. They can’t create any value on their own. So they’ll architect a structure where they make the people need them, placing them on top of the power structures to get fed all the validation, power, money, etc. They need us, so they built a construct where they made people feel that people need them. Also they’ve built protection for themselves, to ensure they never lose their positioning in society. That’s why it’s such a hard construct to dismantle. These are blood sucking parasites that don’t want to let go of their host. Cancerous beings to the human ecosystem. When people say humans are terrible, we’re destroying the planet. Of course the general public plays a part, but it’s not us, that small group is very destructive. They make world destroying decisions frequently, where the general public don’t have a say. And if we did, the world and planet would be exponentially healthier.
There are so many mechanisms engrained in everyday society within the general public that people don’t see that’s a blatant psychopathic mechanism. Everywhere you see a mechanism of power, there is a good chance you’ll find a psychopath utilizing it to their interests. One psychopathic mechanism from an excerpt from previous work “I understand we live in a divisive world, with polarizing ideology. But think about how much influence evil and corruption has had on society. Multiple centuries of strict and egregious ideologies have been indoctrinated in generations of people. Centuries of propaganda has been indoctrinated in multiple generations, that have been harmfully perpetuated to different groups of people. Which in itself stirs up hate, creating these hate groups amongst the people. Causing permanent division, a paradise and dream world for evil to become immortal. Evil understands the power in all people coming together, that’s where evil dies.” And what’s frustrating about the divisiveness, it’s typically undialectical disputes. There is no trying to reach an understanding or agreement through reasoning and conversation. It’s just my way is the correct ideology of life, if you don’t subscribe then there’s something wrong with you.
Like this whole woke, outrage, virtue signaling movement. Companies have been thriving off of it. Lot of companies have been going ‘Woke’ lately. Have they found a new care for the earth, or wanting to give back and offer opportunities to underprivileged groups, and diversify? Absolutely not, these companies have no morals, and the execs of the corporations definitely don’t. Most corporations aren’t treating their employees the best. Many companies that are physical product based don’t have most ethical production. Especially a company like Nike, that has a bunch of woke initiatives, but a sweatshop in China. Nike loves to promote equality and diversity in their promos, but it doesn’t reflect in their board room or executive positions. Especially the cultures they exploit for marketing. That’s why it’s annoying to see all this performative and fraudulent virtue signaling woke movement. So what is the purpose of all this?
The new corporate movement ESG. ESG is the Environmental Social and Governance. Basically a rating agency that quantifies the sustainability and ethics of companies. The better the rating the more investable a corporation becomes, also likely to get more ad dollars. So ESG is incentivizing that corporations are more socially and environmentally conscious. The companies that do that the most, get better ratings. The better the ratings, the better perks of being more investible and ad friendly. The problem is what and who dictates these ratings. Because it doesn’t seem like a linear metric of environmentalism. Especially when you have an electric car company like Tesla, having worse ratings than gas guzzling automobiles corporations like Ford, and a lot other car companies. It seems like something else is dictating these scores, something very subjective. Tesla looks like the environmental company that ESG would like companies to strive for. But it seems he’s being docked points, because he isn’t very likable by the other big corporations. He’s very outspoken and controversial. Isn’t very controllable. And has critiqued the ESG system. His negative rating makes it seem like there is a heavy bias in the rating system. That ESG is more of a social credit score for corporations, that leaders of this construct want all corporations to align to their agenda or else. This could be the reason why you’ll see all these corporations go rainbow on the first day of pride, and take it right off when the month is over. It’s why you’ll see all these corporations put up BLM and put “BIPOC” in marketing projects? Start including BIPOC where it doesn’t count, for diversity and equity purposes, but reluctant to put them in substantial executives and board roles. Just doing the bare minimum to seem like they’re progressive corporations. But honestly all they care about is improving their profits, ads, and investments with better ESG scores. It’s a social credit score system that these companies abide by.
What I don’t like about corporations performatively and fraudulently advocating for these oppressed groups, is they don’t value them at all. They’re just vulturing their cause. Acting as if they are allies to the cause. To make it seem like they’re an ethical company. Then get absolved for the other true wrongdoings they are doing. They’re off the hook, setting back the progression of the general public. Back to Nike being for equality, but utilizing sweatshops, ESG is a fraudulent hypocritical movement. It’s just a psychopathic construct. They’re trying to charm you like they’re your ally, but vulture and just use people in oppressed groups to improve their image and ESG scores. Then the worst one is their hypocritical advocacy of environmental change, of global warming. Not because those aren’t important issues, but the egregious manner they have been going about it. It’s like, what is this all for? This is where it gets dark for the general public. You’ll see that it’s all a big smoke screen, for their grand plan. Who’s and what grand plan? The World Economic Forum(WEF): The Great Reset, a new world order. This isn’t some fringe conspiracy theory. This is an initiative posted blatantly on their website. The WEF is a collective of very wealthy elites and magnates, who are going to partner together to “improve the state of the world.” Any time you see wealthy people have this idea for a utopian world, it’s most likely going to be a nightmare psychopathic idea for the general public, IE: Opioid Pandemic. There’s always these trigger words and situations they look for. These big corporations demand more power and leniency so they can be able to cure or fix the problems of “mass pain”, “mass poverty”, or “mass global issue”. Ideas that are not even based on conventional real life, and people who are not even remotely human, dictating a new world order that the general public isn’t asking for, these “elites” just have a huge issue with playing an unneeded and unwanted god for the general public.

Like for example, Bill Gates a part of the WEF team and movement. A “big donator” to “climate change” whatever that means. Not the climate change part, but how they donate their money, I question their ethics. Like Bill Gates is advocating that rich countries should transition to 100% synthetic meats. Which is an absurdly egregious claim and want. He wants meat to be lab-grown. Who in the world would want that artificial filth? The nutrients from synthetic meat are not going to be like the rich and bioavailable nutrient packed meats. I would bet the taste wouldn’t match up either. Meat is a great source of fats, and nutrients. It should be left alone, or invested in to make more high quality grass fed meats. Bill Gates is a tech guy, not a nutritionist, just look at him, he looks absurdly terrible. He has never been in good physical shape. Why would anyone take health advice from someone who looks physically appalling. Then the arrogance of him to push for this on the general food supply. This is what I’m talking about. People want to play god where no one wants them to be. No one wants drastic changes like that to the food supply. But it gets more sinister when you see Bill Gates is the #1 largest private farmland owner in the US. That’s something to be very skeptical about. The person who wants 100% synthetic meat, also advocates for plant-based foods. The average person wants regular meat, and we would want it to stay that way. Many don’t believe in this alternative meat.
…Wow, that’s crazy. I remember watching a film like this. One that started with the death of a bird by a parasitic cuckoo. And the girl who found the dead bird, didn’t understand this natural parasitic being. She didn’t like the nature of it.
Then they were lured into monotonous lifeless living, with the promises of a very nice living situation. They were given a home, they were provided food and services. There’s nowhere to go, because a life is already provided for them. And it’s all artificial. This mundane artificialness. It’s a dystopian utopia. It all seems like the lifelessness of a psychopath, given to the people, forced despair. This mimicry of life, a fake world.
This is all scary because it seems like what the WEF wants. Why is it that they’re making synthetic meat, lab made meat? That has already been passed by the FDA. It’s absolute absurdity happening right in front of our eyes. Like BlackRock’s companies are buying up a lot of residential property. Also Bill Gates is buying up massive amounts of farmland. Why is someone who wants synthetic meat to take over, buying up all this farmland? Destroying the livelihood of actual farmers. Why did Microsoft have the best ESG score? Why are these “elites” forcing their vision of living(hell) on us. Nobody has asked them to play god, the world would be better without them. So why is this all happening, and just like the cuckoo bird, it’s just naturally how these psychopaths are. They just naturally live a parasitic life. They can’t create life for their own, but they will use others to leech off of. That’s why they have architected a world where they create dependency for the general public. So the general public will have a need for them, feeding them their validation, power, and money.
It’s not just Bill Gates, it’s a wealthy network of these psychopaths. You could look into Klaus Schwab, head of WEF. You could look into Sam Banker-Freid, the creator of the FTX ponzi scheme. Just look at people connected to pushing “The Great Reset”. They all speak of this sinister “utopia” they want to create, which is most likely a dystopia.

Quotes like “You will own nothing and be happy” scare the sh*t out of me, like this doesn’t sit well with me at all. The WEF endorsed this idea of “I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” . It was funny because I thought it was sarcasm, a joke, but it was just a straightforward quote on the Forbes website. About life where people own nothing, everything is provided for them. Like I said, when I was writing this, a film felt so familiar, Vivarium. It’s so scary what this film was speaking to. I think you guys should do your human due diligence and watch this movie. These “elites” have this idea of living(hell), they want to create for the general public. A living no one wants, or asked for.
These aren’t fringe ideas, because on many occasions, these people have and are already doing it. Look at the opioid crisis, psychos forced opioids on the general public. Even after making billions of dollars, you would think it’s enough pain and disaster they have caused, the thing they claimed they were saving the world from, pain. They doubled and tripled down, as hard as they could. Where probably millions of people are suffering from the opioid crisis, because of the way The Sackler family distributed it and forced on the public. Then look into the housing/financial crisis of ‘08. These investment bankers, head executives, members of the government, mortgage lenders, they all were hungry and greedy. Claiming they were growing the economy, without creating any real value, just creating this fake imaginary value, having innocent people of the general public invest and buy into them with real money. Because these people were tricked by the bribed rating agencies that listed the investments that people bought as very safe investments.Then all the investment banker CEOs and other execs got to liquidate the general public’s money and get out, or got huge severance packages, while the general public lost many billions, and millions lost their homes. The only reason they stopped is because the economy crashed. Also look at the entertainment industry, where you hear it’s a nightmare for most of the entertainers who create ALL the value, and perfect situation for the execs, label, and studio heads who receive the majority of the money the entertainers created. These infrastructures that are very established and older than all the entertainers, were built by people who couldn’t create value for themselves. They just manipulatively siphon typically 80-90% off all the entertainers money, with these evil and psychopathic contracts. These corporations, studio, and label heads have made so many billions, and it doesn’t look like they’re going to stop. The nightmare for the entertainers and artists is not going to stop. Hearing all their stories are the same. They were tricked into a bad contract, and even though it seems they’re making a lot of money, they’re getting robbed by their labels. Then after all the value is siphoned in the most manipulative of ways, they are just spit out and left for dead. It’s a dark industry. It’s just blatantly clear, these psychopaths run these industries. And it’s obsolete to ask why they’re so evil, why it feels like never ending corruption. That’s just a psychopath’s nature, they’re just parasites in the ecosystem that we have to get rid of in some way, they just can’t have this power to dictate human well-being. “I don’t want people who don’t feel human empathy, sense of remorse, or have a lack of care for others. I don’t want them to have the power to impact human life.”- OssyP. I think the problem is how we diagnose psychopathy. You really can’t diagnose people as psychopaths, they would have to have committed a crime, even if all the signs are there. And these “elites” commit an egregious amount of crimes, but they just get away with everything. Also they are good at blending in with society. But there just has to be a way around that to diagnose psychopaths, ban psychopaths from any position of power or something. Exile them, I don’t have the answers to how to deal with them yet. But what I do know is “Don’t have sympathy for someone that has no empathy”- OssyP. They are not the humans you feel they are. These are demon spawns, these are pure cancers. If not dealt with properly, their cancerous ways will spread throughout the ecosystem. Which it terribly is right now.
Why isn’t there more widespread news on this incoming crisis? The organizations that give us the news are paid by these “non-profit organizations”. Like the Bill Gates Foundation donated $319 million to media companies. Why in the world would these media companies need donations? What if money like this went to real people in need. But these Bad Faith “non-profit organizations” are headed by psychopaths. And there are more Bad Faith “non-profit organizations”. They just manipulatively use non-profits because it’s unregulated, taxes are exempt, and you get to keep a lot of anonymity about what’s actually going on. But with donations like these, whatever narrative and research you want to push is very likely going to be pushed. Media that would hurt you, is most likely not going to have a lot of traction. There’s going to be a lot of media bias.
Then you have BlackRock and Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock, said to be the most powerful person in finance. BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with US$10 trillion in assets under management. You could verify with yahoo finance, BlackRock and Vanguard the largest stakeholder in all major corporations. Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock, is someone who could have a lot of say in how these companies operate, and that’s what it seems like is happening. They could have the power to get all the industries in the world, the major corporations of them to serve their interests. Every agenda he speaks about, you’ll see all the companies follow it. Like Larry Fink is big on the agenda of “climate change”, or “making the world better”, and really big on the ESG movement. One thing it can do is give them this “Good guy on Wall Street” tag, like “he doesn’t want more money, just wants to use money to save the world, I trust this movement, it’s safe to invest here.” You see this with a lot of people associated with this movement. This could be a reason why you see all these corporations coordinately have these initiatives and stances. You’ll see these companies work on being more “sustainable”, or promoting “diversity & inclusion”. You’ll see corporations performatively promote pride. That’s why you see all these corporations being so socially homogenized. Not because these corporations care, but they literally can’t afford not to comply with the BlackRock’s agenda & ESG ratings score, basically complying to a social credit score. If they don’t, it would severely hurt their company. These companies would lose advertisements and investments, basically sanctioned. Which seems hypocritical when BlackRock is #6 in the top 100 most Diverse & Inclusive, with their board looking like this:

It’s also skeptical that BlackRock has ex-employees that head departments in the Democratic party. They have a lot of influence with the Left. You see a lot of the same talking points, about “climate change” Again I have no problem with climate change activism, I just don’t trust these people, I believe the work in bad faith.
But the main thing I don’t like from BlackRock is their companies owned by BlackRock are buying up massive amounts of properties. Regular people who are looking into buying a house are being outbid by big investors, who bought a record 1 in 5 of the U.S. homes that were purchased during the third quarter of 2021. What does this mean? Why are there so many land purchases? A conclusion that can come from this, is everything being rented to you. We could be headed to a social credit score way of life, that’s already here in the US corporations. And people are already complying with that, or good chance you’ll be dropped by your company fast. But what also could happen is food being provided and serviced for you in your provided home. Where the currency is you have to comply with whatever and whoever dictates the social credit score. This is speculation of course, but isn’t far off, because just recently, “banking giants and New York Fed start 12-week digital dollar pilot.” For whatever reason, they just want to “test” it out. And these aren’t fringe ideas, like I used to think, we already see systems like this in some parts of China.
At some point, all these outraged groups are going to have to end or put a halt to divisiveness. We’re going to have to come together, not with uniformed thought, because that’s unnecessary. All we need is uniformity on human rights. Taking the power away from the psychopaths. To put an end to the monopolies of big business in all industries, so the general public can have a fair chance to have a sustainable living, social mobility, the opportunity to create something for themselves, and for the average person to have an actual chance to good standard health and living, not have to be very wealthy to get the minimum. Just a livable situation, where it isn’t unbearable for the general public. Things of those sorts will be very possible with psychopaths out of the way. All the people want is a real opportunity to create something for themselves. “So we have to understand what psychopaths are, and how parasitic they are. So we can understand that we have to stop them from themselves and their natural nature, like putting out an invasive species. So we can create a livable world for ourselves. Because if not, they will create a world for us, an unlivable one.” -OssyP