(Nov. 5, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette) Before Sunrise (1995) – First off I do have to say I love this movie. So highly watchable. You’re just living in that world while you’re watching. Reason I have to continue and watch Before Sunset tomorrow probably. The high serotonin, high chemistry romance. It’s a beautiful sight to… Continue reading Before Trilogy Analysis: This Overwhelmingly Beautiful Romantic Fling Of Ours, Can It Last A Lifetime?
Tag: Love
Possession(1981) Analysis: You Don’t Own The Mechanism To Choose Under Possession Of Max Pleasure, Vanity And Ultimate Ecstasy. Become Absent Of Willpower Under Possession
(Jun. 22, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette) Who are you, I thought you were my wife. Even though you are an indistinguishable image of her, you have become completely unrecognizable. You are something absolutely different. But I’m still attached to you. Even in the absence of the woman I knew, the image of who I thought… Continue reading Possession(1981) Analysis: You Don’t Own The Mechanism To Choose Under Possession Of Max Pleasure, Vanity And Ultimate Ecstasy. Become Absent Of Willpower Under Possession
Scenes From A Marriage(1973) Episodic Journal Analysis: Luxury, Security, Comfortable Relationships All End Up In Empty Meaninglessness, Without The Passionate Harmonious Beautiful Connection To Spark It
(May 16, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette) Episode 1: What’s happiness? Well, I’m content, I’m comfortable, there’s a stable security in my life, I have a true loyalty with my partner, and we’re also content with each other. And with that, I would think that’s happiness, you know. That’s the 10 year relationship between Johan and… Continue reading Scenes From A Marriage(1973) Episodic Journal Analysis: Luxury, Security, Comfortable Relationships All End Up In Empty Meaninglessness, Without The Passionate Harmonious Beautiful Connection To Spark It
Husbands And Wives (1992): Beautiful Romantic Passionate Love. Is It Enough To Sustain A Long Term Marriage
(Apr. 25, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette) Woody Allen knows how to make a movie, especially dealing with romance, dialogue, and human connection. There’s always a great human feel and nice pacing to his films that make it highly watchable and engaging. It’s one of the most beautiful things when you can spark a connection with… Continue reading Husbands And Wives (1992): Beautiful Romantic Passionate Love. Is It Enough To Sustain A Long Term Marriage
My Dinner With Andre (1981) Analysis: To Live a Risky Life of Valour and True Meaning, or To Hide in My Blissful Ignorance of Comfortable Lies
(Oct. 26, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) A revelation experience. You start off with a very average Joe kind’ve guy, Wally. He grew up with hopes and dreams of art and being something. But you see that he’s trapped inside a survival nightmare where he has to tend to all the survival mechanisms to stay afloat.… Continue reading My Dinner With Andre (1981) Analysis: To Live a Risky Life of Valour and True Meaning, or To Hide in My Blissful Ignorance of Comfortable Lies
The Pandemic of Despair: Why is it that No Major Community Promotes Love, Happiness, and a Passionate Spirit?
(Nov. 7, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) So much despair in the air. More than just sadness. Full on despair and darkness. I’ve seen it as a pandemic for quite a while. The lostness, the hopelessness, and the emptiness, it’s all around. Values that create despair are embedded in so many communities. That gets ingrained deeply… Continue reading The Pandemic of Despair: Why is it that No Major Community Promotes Love, Happiness, and a Passionate Spirit?
How I would Craft Finding and Manifesting my Dream Partner and Situation

(Sept. 5, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) (Just saying, people who I’ve shown this before. I’ll tell them. I’m honestly not even trying to come off pretentious. This is just how I feel) A while back a friend asked me why I was talking to the people I was talking to. Honestly I was doing an… Continue reading How I would Craft Finding and Manifesting my Dream Partner and Situation
“Seemingly” Love & Soul Chooses You. You just have to accept whatever that is: James Baldwin
(May 18, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette) I’m a big James Baldwin fan. I haven’t really read his books, and eventually I probably will. But I’m a fan of his person. I enjoy watching him speak. He was really a progressive human for his time. To be an Openly Gay Black man in the 50s and… Continue reading “Seemingly” Love & Soul Chooses You. You just have to accept whatever that is: James Baldwin
Curate Your Existence
(Jan 15, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) You gotta curate your life, I feel at least. Fill your life up, and paint all the walls around with things you love. Make everything you can just the way you want it. The colors you want to be surrounded by. The clothes you want to be covered in.… Continue reading Curate Your Existence