The Zero Theorem(2014) Analysis: All Is For Nothing & Nothing Is For All. They’re Imposing A Nothingness World On Humanity.

(Dec. 21, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) Another great one by Terry Qohen, a notable number cruncher, data miner or something of that sort. Is crunching his life away. Hours on hours, on days, on many years. Just a lot of time wasted away on crunching numbers. And why, he’s just waiting for something. A call,… Continue reading The Zero Theorem(2014) Analysis: All Is For Nothing & Nothing Is For All. They’re Imposing A Nothingness World On Humanity.

We Sold Them The Culture

(Oct. 26, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) Co-Directed by Rickyah BIake We keep complaining to corporations about OUR culture, not like it’s not a completely understandable thing to do. But looking through all the complaints throughout history. Like they don’t value us, they don’t pay us our just due, they destroy our livelihoods if not compliant,… Continue reading We Sold Them The Culture

Broadcast News(1987) Analysis: Likability vs. Expertise. The Incompetent Choices that Lead to Media/Network Industry Crashes

(May 2, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) What I got from this film was Likability vs Expertise. You have one character Tom, who can be a dunderfart sometimes, but has a likable image. Then you have Jane, she’s obsessive, passionate, and consumed by her craft. Two completely different people and paths, but they landed in the… Continue reading Broadcast News(1987) Analysis: Likability vs. Expertise. The Incompetent Choices that Lead to Media/Network Industry Crashes

Network(1976) Analysis: The World is a College of Corporations, The World is a Business 


(Apr 29, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) This film was a great one, I have this currently on my 10 greatest films. I loved the dialogue, what this film was speaking to. This film was amazingly held together by some of the greatest, most honest, illuminating, and beautiful monologues. The performances were so craftfully amazing.  You… Continue reading Network(1976) Analysis: The World is a College of Corporations, The World is a Business 

The Destruction of the Consumer and the Creative/Artist. The Desensitization of Stimulation from Art & Culture: Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia Effect

Euphoria Season 2 ep 5

(Feb 19, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) An aspect of Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia effect (OIH) in many cases is that long term users may experience emotional numbing, where they feel less pleasure from activities that were once enjoyable, but now they also experience less pain from activities that would normally be uncomfortable or painful. Things aren’t as… Continue reading The Destruction of the Consumer and the Creative/Artist. The Desensitization of Stimulation from Art & Culture: Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia Effect

Go Where You’re Appreciated, or Create it: Creating Institutions that Accommodate Your Worth and Value

EYL x Dame Dash: Build New Houses

(Jan. 15, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) We need new institutions. We need to create institutions that accommodate us, build a structure that complements who we are, what we love, that are for us. We need to be in places that value us, and that’s it, we can’t accept anything less.  I think it’s important to… Continue reading Go Where You’re Appreciated, or Create it: Creating Institutions that Accommodate Your Worth and Value

Let’s Break Apart Art & Culture From The Corporate World: Corporate Has Been the Destruction of True Value

Dame Dash on the Absurdity of the Industry

(Dec. 26, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) We need more non-corporate culture & art, that are able to thrive. We also need to support the art & culture within our community, instead of waiting for said act to get corporate backing to believe in them. We shouldn’t need to have to scale to fairytale heights. We… Continue reading Let’s Break Apart Art & Culture From The Corporate World: Corporate Has Been the Destruction of True Value

The Incompetency of Working at Companies & Corporations: Also Film Review of Office Space

(Oct. 23, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I had a hard time understanding why companies were so incompetent. Why wouldn’t you get competent people for certain roles? Why are incompetent people in a lot of these positions? Why do companies make bad unreasonable decisions? Then I realized, I was too zoomed out, from a macro perspective.… Continue reading The Incompetency of Working at Companies & Corporations: Also Film Review of Office Space

It’s Probably Not Your Fault You can’t get a Job in Fashion: The Problem with Non-Creative Hirer/Recruiters

(Jun. 12, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I recently got interested in trying to join magazine/editorial teams. Or a media conglomerate. I had a lot of my own work on me. So I packaged some up and tried to see if I could obtain one of these positions, but haven’t gotten answers. I was contacting multiple… Continue reading It’s Probably Not Your Fault You can’t get a Job in Fashion: The Problem with Non-Creative Hirer/Recruiters

Creatives vs. Corporate: The Absurdly Crazy World of the Industry. (A Blogumentary Pt.1)

(Oct. 2, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Kanye has this public perception of being this neurotic person. That he is very erratic and crazy, and I simply believe that it’s false for the most part. People like to judge his actions, but you never see the “why”. You never see what happens in those rooms, the… Continue reading Creatives vs. Corporate: The Absurdly Crazy World of the Industry. (A Blogumentary Pt.1)