Self Invest

(Jun 30, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette)

This prompt references a quote from Darius(Lakeith Stanfield) on Atlanta: “I think if we spent the time we spend thinking about not spending money, spent that time on spending money, then it’d be time well spent.” 

I live like this. People used to ask me. “How you get all the things you have?” All those designer products, sneakers, etc. 

I used to save my money. What was I saving for? I was just trying to get more money. Then a while back, I started splurging. I was at a point where I worked enough, I have a lump sum. Let me start spending on myself a bit. Then it never stopped, I got really hooked. Then I was like do I have an issue, is that why I’m buying all these things? And it was no. I just like all these things, and I want to get them. Then I was like alright, everything I’m liking, I’m just clicking purchase. With no inhibitions. I just kept going. Until one day, my luck ran out. Chase Bank hit me with a notification, and was like you have under $50. My reaction “Damn”. So to answer the question. I got all that stuff by saving 0% of my money, just spending all of it. It stung a little bit at first, but I was fine a little bit after. Lots of lessons learned from that. First, how valuable self investing is. I was experimenting and buying things that I was a bit interested in. That sparked so many new avenues of interest for me. Got into so many new things, and dove deep into them. I have a lot more visions and aspirations I want to accomplish. My taste level went up after experimenting into all these things, trying out new things. I feel way more valuable than before. A lot more intangibles I have. Cool communities I’ve found and understand. Created and crafted my own world. I also realized, I don’t really value money like that. I value what it can do. Like funding my world and visions, funding the experiences I want. I feel very valuable with or without it. You can’t buy me into things I don’t want. I just don’t value money that much. Making money to just make money, then spend all my time doing that. No, I want what I want. Money is just an instrument, not my aspiration. My time, like time to breathe, time to envision, time to experiment. The life I want to live, to love. I just feel that’s more valuable than money. I didn’t have a lot of this stuff. My visions, my interests, my lifestyle that I heavily value. Before I did that self investing splurge. 

Spending all that money. A well worth it risk. I could’ve gone the other route. Started building a stable safe structure for myself. Say I did that for myself. Then what would that structure be housing. I didn’t have the spirit or the person I am today, before spending that money that could’ve built a stable structure. Just would’ve been a safe spiritless structure. Structure full of despair. Mainly because, you probably would’ve had to put more time into funding to keep the structure up that comforts you and makes you feel safe. But in betting on myself. I feel way more valuable. Since I have a good solid foundation set in me. I could now build the structure I want around me. Find a way to architect the world I want. World that I’ll love. Still experimenting though. This lifestyle feels like the objective way to live, but it can just be subjective. There could be better ways of going about things. I just really like this way.

I’m not saying anyone should follow, or that you gotta spend all of your money. Those are just insane risks I took. It’s a very risky risk. I’m still very much experimenting and learning. 

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