People Need Time to Invest in Self: The Dangerous Path of Self Investing

Atlanta Season 1 Ep.3

(Jun. 3, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette)

People just don’t have time to invest in themselves. A chance to. An environment to. To “try some sh** out.” Act on feelings and experience new things. People like me for sure never really have the chance to fail, the freedom to fail. There’s just a lot of pressure on the now.

Atlanta Season 2 Ep.10

And it takes time, risk, “trying new sh**,” experiencing life to cultivate that spirit we’re looking for. People don’t have time to invest in finding themselves. Understanding their spirit and who they are. Lot of people have to spend a majority of their week in places they know they don’t enjoy to keep the light on for today. So they don’t have the leisure to sit down and ask themselves who they are. Only time to make a living to survive. And no time to breathe and live for loving, or find that.

Atlanta Season 1 Ep.4

I believe that’s the most valuable thing. There is really no value till you have self value and identity. You need to make a way to make your spirit your foundation of life, of most of the moves you make. Unless you may end up living an empty lifestyle that doesn’t feel desirable. A life of despair. But you’re just holding on to all the worthless bits and pieces you can. So all I want for people, is if they have the ability to slow down and risk it, to do so. To go experience life, and find out who you are. What you’re connected to. Find your passions that ignite you. Then you have your foundation. Now you can live a life worth living. But that can be a big risk. In trying that, your environment might not be too friendly to that idea. An environment you seek validation from. You can be an outcast while finding yourself. And that can be dangerous in such a vulnerable state. So many people are so used to the societal lifestyle. Not accustomed to this intrinsic lifestyle you’re in search of. They may come and reject you, loved ones. Because they don’t see the value in your process, or beauty in general. Maybe because they don’t have that for themselves. So it can be tough, but you just have to believe in greater. Trust that you’ll spark something that you’ll love and make up for all of it. But invest in yourself, everything you can. Experience life, try things, risk it. To find the love of your life. To me, that is what mainly what matters to your foundational self.

Also I’m subscribed to the idea. If you have a child to be responsible for. Then go be responsible for the child. Take care of your kids.

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