Master of Many Trades, Jack of None: Creating your Multi-Passionate World.

Virgil’s Louis Vuitton AW22

(Oct. 5, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)

There’s the saying “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Basically dabbling in many skills, talents, and facets. Being fairly ok in all of them, instead of being masterful and skillful by focusing and giving your energy to one of them. You’re spreading yourself and time too thin, focusing on developing all these talents and skills. When you can become densely masterful, by focusing on one at a time. And for me, I understand that. Many art forms demand a lot of time and discipline to become skillful in your respective field. But with that, I still believe that I can master many trades while mingling in multiple of them at the same time. That is my goal. It’s simply who I am. I am multifaceted, multi-passionate, and I love it. I love having all these passions and art forms to pull from. It makes life more vibrant and fruitful. If you’re one trick pony, still congratulations to you, it’s a blessing to even have one purposeful thing for yourself. But it’s still limiting for me, I love dabbling in different art forms of life. And the reason I’m confident that I can master many trades is because I’ve realized I am really obsessive when it comes to my passions.

Obsessiveness is one of my favorite traits about myself. It’s just such a deep feeling of purposefulness and drive. Most things I find interest in, I go in complete insane obsession mode. I’m deep diving and doing it as much as I can. Absorb and obtain the information to understand what it is. Involving myself the best I can. Hours on hours on days. Obsessiveness trait is like the opposite and also what saves me from a mundane lifestyle. I can just go all day, especially with the more interests I have. Now you’re going into this, then this, then that, all in one day. Just complete active days, hyperactive. So I would tell anyone if they can. Be obsessive, it’s a beautifully fulfilling lifestyle. One of the factors that make me so passionate, I love it. I’m completely consumed by my lifestyle.

Kerwin Frost x John Mayer

Also people ask me what I do, what’s your main title? And it’s like I don’t. I just do things. I’m me, and everything you see is just an expression of me. Multifaceted living is just the way to go. And it’s not like what’s the main one. They’re all intermingled somehow. All are just a part of my visions and dreams I’m trying to create. They all are me.

One of my favorite moods is when you get overwhelmed with all this feeling, like this manic energy. So overstimulated and excited because you have all these motivations to work on multiple ideas. It’s just that you want to work on so many at the same time. So you just freeze. Because you’re so overwhelmed you don’t know what to start on and do, just stalled. It’s such a good and satisfying anxiety to have. I wish I had all the resources for all the ideas I want to work on, in front of me when I feel that way. Or like a team of people I can direct on each idea I have. That would be like a beautiful dream. A powerful feeling. But this is a great micro-model of the main point. If you focus on one of the ideas, you have a better chance of seeing something through. Instead of focusing on many ideas, and getting a decent blueprint or ideas of many. But I want to see all the ideas through. And I feel more productive and satisfied doing that. Nonstop working, not on one idea, but a world of ideas. 

The dream is to be a well-rounded architect. Having all these skills, having all the resources to create all of my visions. The more skilled and in-depth I get in my fields, the more detailed, insightful, and perceptive my visions will be. Making you more conceptually creative, then bringing those concepts into fruition, and constantly growing that. Which will add to the beauty and overwhelmingness to my art. 

Tyler, the Creator: le FLEUR* Fast Company

Examples of great multi-passionate creatives are like Donald Glover, Virgil Abloh, Tyler, the Creator, or Kanye. These people haven’t just created in the fields the public best know them for. They aren’t tied down or boxed into their primary ventures. They are at their root, spirits, and they just create what they feel, and would want to see & experience. They have created very detailed worlds of their passions. When you see their catalog of expression, it’s like aww man, these people are beautiful architects. That’s the realm of creativity I want to be in. The space, resources, and skillset to architect everything I want to create, because I absolutely believe I have an amazing catalog to express. And gaining the skills to do that, I can’t even fathom the realm of conceptualizing and blueprinting I’ll be in then. I haven’t thought or envisioned my best thoughts and visions yet. Also don’t even know if that ever stops. Years of that, and I’ll definitely be a Master of Many. 

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