Manufacturing An Artificial “Paradise”: The Meaningless World Of VR & AR. Instantly Gratifying Worlds Of Perfect Pleasures.


(Dec. 29, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette)

(A piece and theory from my book that continues this much needed dialogue of artificial meaningless)

I saw this tweet that reemerged from like 8 years ago. Basically a tweet From 2015 saying we will be having sex with robots in 10 years. At the time I believed it, but for a smaller marginal portion of the population, who are just weird and kinky. But I see these modern numbers now for the amount of adults not having sex. There’s a large sexless portion of society, that has been perpetuated through ridiculous social networking and media channels, perpetuating these ridiculous relationship and sex values & views, that behooves a lot of people. Also through those same channels creating a lot of divisive division between women & men, and a lot more other things. Also with technology and social media creating a lot of socially awkward and inept people. Basically creating larger sexless societies, perpetuating into a growing sexless society. 

But now you don’t need to worry, because the hero sex tech is here. No more conflicts in creating the situation of sex for yourself. You don’t need to develop those natural characteristics of doing natural in-person things, sex tech will bypass it for you. You don’t need to know how to have sex, because now, you have sexpods. And this where I see a lot of destruction happening within sex. We’re destroying human to human relations. Also so many people just instantly gratifying their sexual desires through all these tech hybrid toys. It’s like opioid sex, where over time you may lose natural stimulation, especially through another human, due to the over usage of tech toys. Same probably for men as well, I just hear women talk about their rose toys and devices more. Whenever you have these artificial instant gratification mechanisms, typically over time you see this zombie effect take place. And this growing meaningless, you’re not really doing anything besides grabbing your mechanism to instantly gratify you. Which corrodes the natural mechanisms inside you, so you can’t gain those natural stimulations and beauties, you only can interact with your artificial mechanisms. Then when humanity gets the comfortability to intertwine into the immersive AR & VR worlds with sex compatibility, that’s going to be a growing game over. And now thinking about it, maybe with things like neuralink, you will have an artificial world, available and capable for all, even the disabled, they too can create their paradise. People are going to artificially simulate all their sexual desires. Like let me just brainstorm, I see sex room orgies, and people don’t have to show up as themselves if they’re insecure about that. They can create the perfect versions of themselves. This is where we may be heading, so many people won’t deny this technocracy. 

All your worldly pleasures all-in-one device. You don’t need to do anything, we’ll bypass it all. You don’t need to learn how to read or learn, AI can do that for you. You don’t need to learn how to meet people, it’s easy in these AR & VR worlds. You don’t need to cook, clean, or handle any maintenance, it will be dealt with at the click of a button. You don’t need to work on your body image, in AR & VR you can curate the exact image you want for yourself, and also sound whatever way you like. Make yourself tall, pretty, lightskin, white, curly or straight hair, perfect teeth, your dream body parts, simulate it however you like. Live wherever you want, this cyberspace has unlimited digital estate, by a beach front, in an extremely big mansion. You can digitally adopt, and create the perfect family, polyamorous style if you want, or we’ll make digital copies of the perfect partners if you don’t want to share. You can drive whatever cars, and have all the luxuries. Now we have this new ability to digitize all tastes, so you can eat whatever you want. All conflicts will be convenienced. You don’t need the conflict of anything, we’ll do everything. We’ll give you the paradise of a lifeless world. 

The problem will emerge when the line between artificial and reality will be blurred, I mean we are kind of already there, and getting there more, and they haven’t even unveiled  all the technological devices of the future yet. The real world will then become meaningless and they will only want to remain in the artificially simulated world, because again they see no value in the natural world. Why live a nightmare on earth, when you can pick up a device and live in paradise, and maybe that’s where you can see someone manipulating a dystopian real world, so they can sell their artificial “paradise”. We’re heading towards game over as humanity…woah that’s crazy, Spy Kids 3-D Game Over, I promise on everything this came together naturally. But really it’s game over, we’re creating an artificial society that a large portion of the population wouldn’t want to leave and come back to reality here. 

Also VR & AR , with making these hyper-realistic worlds, humans will struggle to differentiate the difference between reality & artificialness. Once you go through some loops where you think it’s reality and you’re actually in the artificial world, you kind of lose that line separating real & the artificial, and get to the point, you just have to accept whatever is in front of you is real, whether if it’s real or artificial. Which may induce extreme levels of psychosis, where you don’t know what’s real anymore. Some issues that can stem from that. In artificial reality, maybe you could die and kill artificially, then artificially respawn. Getting acclimated with that, will give you extreme false senses of reality. Where you don’t know what real death means anymore. Then think of the chaotic things that can spawn from that. What if you become too immersed in a world, where you get to free play something like first-person virtual reality GTA. A first person lawless citizen, what if someone were to get too immersed into those worlds. And then coming back to reality, and maybe they wouldn’t be able to truly decipher between reality and the artificial world. That could lead to a lot of VR & AR induced lawless crimes. There should really be a VR, AR, and AI government set up, for ethical purposes. But I don’t know if anyone or group could stop the inevitable artificial world takeover.

With most to all conflicts being convenienced, that will block human development. That will block the growth of humans, and start the deterioration and degeneration of humans. Producing hyper-infantile generations and with large portions of the current population. Also many people won’t understand beauty, they won’t understand the overwhelming beautifulness of having a present soul and spirit, and the fruitful blessings that stem from that. They will not understand the natural beauty of the world, where in a digitized world, it will turn into randomness that might not be spotted or understood. The true meaning of nature will be tossed away for a random digitized and artificial world. The purposefulness and meaningfulness of every aspect of the beauty within nature will be lost. Then the beauty, and the fruitful blessings of baring a soul will become meaningless, when coming in contact with pure artificial instantly gratifying pleasures at your command. The disciplines, work, and effort that goes into stimulating those natural mechanisms of our inner humanity will go unused, unstimulated, become obsolete, and corrode over time. Beauty and love may corrode. The beautiful purposefulness of that discipline, and natural conflict you have to put in work to develop to get those overwhelmingly natural beautiful essence of beauty & love, will be lost in the pure world of artificialness. Since they wouldn’t see the beauty beyond the natural conflict and discipline, the beautiful purposefulness architected by God, they’ll simply disregard and bypass them with the artificial mechanisms in place, not knowing they’re erasing beauty and soul along with it. Then rolling into their hedonistic artificial paradise of meaninglessness and hell. This is where this heads. Value the beauties of nature, life, conflict, discipline, and humanity, before it’s all destroyed into lifeless meaningless. 

PS: Say you make it to the day where you see how realistic the artificial world is, when on a surfaceable level, it’s a hyper replicated and simulated version of the world. What’s stopping you from believing that you have been in it the whole time…I mean for this to have any relevance towards you, you would have to have experienced some form of virtual reality device, and have been in that immersive world. 

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