I See These Foundational Patterns Of Life, But What Does It All Mean: Pi(1998) Analysis

(Jan. 11, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette)

– My theory of patterns and systems of life mixed in with my film analysis of Pi – 

Trying to solve the world through numbers and mathematics. The belief is that mathematics is the language of nature. “If you graph the numbers of any systems, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns everywhere in nature.” Max goes on this spiral of a journey trying to understand this world and universe through numbers and the patterns they create. 

One occurrence is arbitrary and random. 2-5 occurrences can be like coincidences. But once you get to like 10-20+ occurrences, that’s when you see the clear patterns of a system. And a lot of the meanings of nature lie within these systems. These systems are foundational axioms, basically keys that you can use to start simplifying your understanding of life, world, and this universe. I thought I made up this Ossy Law of Occurrence, but obviously this is a simple and common understanding. 

The world can seem chaotically arbitrary and random. Things really don’t connect with anything, things are just here. And that’s the perception of many of your average humans. No grasp of pattern recognition. Life is just inconsequential. These are people who don’t really have a system, discipline, facet, practice or art form that they connect to life with, they have no foundational axiom. But some people with those facets, systems, art forms, disciplines, they have certain systems or patterns they notice within them, and when they live their lives through some of these facets that have certain patterns, that might lead them to see other things like wow, I see other patterns that are similar to the ones I typically see. That’s a very coincidental experience. Then with a wider understanding of systems, being multifaceted, you start to see a lot more patterns and systems in different facets, that are highly resemblant of each other. Basically seeing these foundational principles within all these different facets and systems. Now this world that was once inconsequential, is starting to make a lot of sense. And it starts from something that seems chaotically complex. Then when you’re picking out the information out of all this seemingly arbitrariness and randomness, then simplifying these similar informations or variables. That’s how you start to make sense out of this world, and then breaking it down. The objective now is to understand the source. 

So when you see these patterns. That seems too coincidental to be inconsequential. Just with how frequent these patterns appear, just how alike some of these systems operate. You know without a shadow of doubt, it’s evidence of something. And you just have to keep putting these patterns together, and that’s where you build and develop your ability of pattern recognition. That’s so important in decoding these multi-collective systems, and trying to find the evidence of it all. What does it all mean, what does it all lead to. And that’s when you need things like a super or master key, “a powerful piece of information or understanding that can unlock various aspects of a system or code.” That’s what you see Max is looking for. He sees that he has found an important number that can explain a lot about the universe. So he goes through insanity to find it again.

He sees the connection with the Fibonacci sequence, and also the mathematical aspects of Hebrew. How this Fibonacci sequence is so representative in the makeup of many things throughout this universe, so now it’s like what does this all mean. Let’s further decode it. That’s where you have to develop yourself, heighten your information, so you can make yourself receptive and perceptive to receive and decipher grander information and patterns. 

The problem comes with the value of information. Many people want it. So the people who have information, can become a person of interest and the center of attention of people you don’t want to cross paths with. You’ll probably start dealing with surveillance, and potential threats, from people that can utilize the information for their self interests. So it breeds this intense lingering fear and paranoia that can destroy a human. When the foundation of you finding information is because of your natural curiosity of decoding the universe and trying to understand and learn its language. It becomes very disruptive when people with nefarious motives want to use your information for other use that seemingly isn’t a good faith one. But yeah, Max has people stalking him for information. This master key of numbers he has, can be very integral to very valuable foundational information. Whether it’s like some CIA seeming organization, wall street agents, or corporations. Wanting that number to use in their predictive models that can bring them fortune. Or with the Jewish who feel that number has a deep connection with the Torah, which has a mathematical language of Hebrew, that can seemingly decode the understandings of God, that would be super valuable in decoding the Garden of Eden, and reveal the messianic age. As the rabbi claims. 

But Max sees what truly would be the value for just some numbers. They’re at the end of the day just numbers. It would be insanity trying to decode the totality of life through numbers. So he sees a foundational element of life, not that he found the answer, but he found what it’s not. Life is not something to decode with numbers, his ultimate flaw, that would have driven him to insanity and chaos. Trying to formulate all the laws of nature would’ve been a pure insanely chaotic experience. Because you’re missing a huge foundational element. Life itself, the beauty of life. Basically like the syntax. The relationship between the numbers. The numbers and mathematics are just telling a mathematical summary and story of life within the universe, it validates the story. But we’re not ruled by numbers. We’re truly created by beauty. God is beautiful. That’s what you need to see and experience, beauty. Beauty may be the main key that decodes all of life. God created a beautiful world, and going down the source of all, some are able to see this interconnected web and patterns of beauty. That’s where you find these beautiful epiphanies and phenomenons, having these truly beautiful experiences, that unveil such foundational elements of life.

Like when the mathematician who was fixated on how to know if the gold bars were real or not, that was sending him into insanity. But then decided to dip into the bathtub and found density, because he listened to his wife to take a bath. When you just don’t over fixate on numbers and equations. And you allow life to happen. That’s when you’ll find truly beautiful answers and understandings of life. More and more with these occurrences of beauty, and deciphering more with the detail, like studying and experiencing art forms. You start to see a lot of patterns, especially when you practice in a multitude of art forms. You start to see multiple systems’ patterns. Then you start to see strong evidence of creations. You start to see the source, at least a good understanding of its language, and what this all means. But one thing for sure, it’s a beautiful experience, life is truly supposed to be a beautiful experience. And that was the flaw of Max. He deprived himself of beauty and connections that would have taught him so much. But he was so hyper fixated and isolated to himself. He was blind to so many elements of life, which blocks him from experiencing foundational things with key patterns to see. So he was always going to come up short in his answers. But now, he took a drill to his head of that “valuable” numeric understanding of the world. In an effort to turn off all those mental calculations, turn down that volume in his head that drove him insane, and convert into being someone who tries to find the real meaning of living through experiences and connections. 

Great aspirational film. I really do love it.

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