Fashion Editors Can’t Dress

(Aug 20, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)

Something weird that I’ve noticed is fashion editors and writers who can’t dress. You would think someone who “studies, researches,” and writes about the culture, would look like the part too. It doesn’t even have to look over the top. At least hints of savvy subtle expression would be nice. Also someone doesn’t have to dress up, if they don’t feel like it, but if you’re a fashion writer, I do expect them to have the ability to put together a somewhat savvy outfit. Especially with all the resources they have. That’s simply not the case. Good dressing fashion writers are the minority, more of a rarity. I don’t understand why this is such a frequent occurrence. 

I’ve been researching fashion and culture editorial and media for a while now. Trying to understand how to obtain the positions. Also researching the people who have the positions. See what they look like, try to dig deep and find out how they obtain their positions. Luckily most times they share their stories. I also go to their social media pages, to see their interests, lifestyle, also more importantly their ability to dress and style. I have a big sample size of information. Mainly because I have been obsessively researching the discrepancy of the lack of cultural people in cultural positions. Cultures that I love. 

I just highly detest seeing all these cracker barrel dressing fashion writers. It’s not that the majority of them aren’t dressing good enough. That wouldn’t really bother me. It’s that they’re dressing badly. Wearing these teacup party dresses from H&M. Not saying that you can’t goto H&M, but the fact that that’s your pick is alarming. Also putting a blazer or trench coat over the most casual outfit and thinking you’re doing it big also irks me. I don’t mind how anybody dresses honestly. I do have a problem with people claiming they’re dressing good, when they’re dressing badly, also while holding a prominent fashion culture position. There is a huge lack of awareness of style in fashion editorial culture. It reflects in their pedestrian quality of work. Culture about art and fashion that is beautiful, that stimulates you deeply. The people who have the positions to write and be the voice of the culture, are writing non-stimulating pedestrian pieces. How is that possible, when there is so much beauty and interesting things to write and express about. That’s what you came up with? Why is there such an apathy with people in these positions? Why can’t we fill it up with culture loving people? You can have a beautiful engaging fashion media culture in itself. That should be the standard, no less. Less is when you get these cracker barrel dressing pedestrian writers. 

When you’re invested in the culture of fashion and art. You can see it emanate from that person. You can see and feel that it consumes them. They understand that you need to get those marni fur clogs. Also they need at least one pair of Kapital jeans. Me having these Yeezy boots, my Vivienne Westwood heart bag, my oversized RAF sweater, and many other grailed items. I love it so much, and am grateful that I own these pieces. I’m not saying you need to have luxuries to be respectable. You’re fine if you don’t. I don’t understand how you can be invested in fashion culture, especially if it’s your job, and not have these insane cravings for a beautiful collection and closet. Also it’s like a need to meet and have a conversation to understand my favorite designers. I wish I would’ve had a conversation with Virgil. I want to be in the room with Iris Van Herpen while she creates. Also many other designers and creators. I want to be in these spaces. I also want to dress the part in these spaces. Bring respect when I’m wearing these designer’s art pieces. When you have a prominent position in fashion media, how wouldn’t you have some of these sentiments of love, respect, and care for the culture? In my studying and seeing these editors/writers, I saw them loving the benefits of the editorial lifestyle. Going to events and free stuff. That was the bulk of what they liked to share and experience. Rarely about the work and love of fashion. These are vultures profiting off a culture they don’t represent, or respect. Yes, I have an issue with a huge amount of fashion writers that can’t dress, but it falls into the main underlying point about the lack of quality, care, and respect in cultural positions, especially when there are available culture loving people that would excel at the job. So when I see a group of fashion writers that are dressed in cracker barrel dresses, it’s not that I just hate those dresses they wear(which I do, it disgusts me). It just symbolizes the absurdity of it all. 

When you have a fashion writer check off all the boxes though, it is a beautiful sighting. When you read an article that evokes passion and beauty. You’re amazed. It was so insightful and detailed. You feel that they deserve their position, they came with care and respect. Also you feel they have the innate urge to express the beauty they feel. A feeling they got from such a beautiful culture that is fashion. I’ll go look them up, and their profile is typically vibrant. Those writers are typically stylistically beautiful, with amazing taste. They put outfits together amazingly. Their fashion and art collection are overwhelming. It’s a beautiful sight to see the whole package of that. That’s what I want to see. If you have talented culture loving people struggling to get positions. If those seats are filled by other well dressed talented people. I could compartmentalize that, then say I gotta put more work in. Instead having those seats filled by cracker barrel dressing, non-stimulating pedestrian writers. That is just so decapitating, demoralizing, and gaslighting. You put all this work in, mainly because you care and love what you do. So you just can’t understand why the antithesis of those sentiments are receiving the positions.  Like if putting the work in and developing my skill isn’t the route, what is? Also just say you had a team full of talented culture loving writers. The ideas, the beauty, the quality of work that would come from there would be amazing. Full of stimulating work that would affect many, which would result in amazing engagement levels. Creating a flourishing publication or media company. A team of that would move culture forward. That’s why people like that need to be chosen. If someone dresses really well, with beautiful style, I can bet they have something interestingly insightful to say. It takes care, research, and an insightful development to obtain a beautifully savvy style. I just would like to see more fashion and culture lovers in fashion and culture editorial positions. It would be very nice if they had the ability to dress well too.

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