Dopesick Journal Review: Opioid Crisis was Basically a Crisis of Government Organizations vs. The People

(Oct. 16, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)

Episode 1:

After watching that first episode of Dopesick, I am absolutely sick to my stomach. This just doesn’t sit well with me at all.

You start off with a monologue from Richard Sackler. He’s speaking to his family in this sinister cult leader-like way(Continuing this narrative of this Boys Club again. Small group of people who have control amongst many of the industries). He throws a huge blanket statement, talking about how the world is in pain, no specification, just pain, and he needs to relieve it. Like he has to play God. Then introduces and proposes his plan to “fix” it. Since their company’s patent ending for MS Contin, which is a problem since it’s 25% of their sales. He talks about implementing the Contin extended time release system into an opioid. Then to make opioid a long term medication for moderate pain. Not trying to be on top of the market, but opening entirely new ones. Basically absolute absurdity. They’re talking about administering a monumental drug to the masses, and the foundation of their reasoning is from a sales point. There seems to be no care for human well-being, in a health & medicine conversation, just care for self interest. 

They take you to a courtroom session about the opioid OxyContin. Asking doctors why a dangerously addictive drug like opioids was prescribed, especially as mainstream as it was. The answer they all gave, Perdue salesmen convinced them that less than 1% of users will get addicted, that it was a non-addictive drug, a miracle drug. Which was far from the truth. Many people were affected and died. 

There’s a Sackler family meeting, about their drug company. Worried about Richard Sackler’s overspending for OxyContin. And it’s so sinister because they’re having a health & medicine conversation, with no interest of the masses being discussed, just self interest about their sales concerns. Drilling in that suggested idea, the people, the masses, the ones taking the drugs, their well-being are not at focus in the health & medicine industry. It’s first, a business. Mainly to benefit the small groups who run them, they just utilize the Pharmaceutical & Health industry for themselves, absolute absurdity. People like this are filthy evil, this is a horror watch.

Some Fed Prosecutors have seen a rise in narcotics crime, mostly all directed from OxyContin. Dealing, theft, and violence all going up because of OxyContin, jails are packed with these offenders. So when they go to find out why, they see it’s all coming from a family owned company Perdue, The Sackler family. Why have they been able to win all their litigations against them? How have they been able to distribute opioids? Perdue got a class-2 Narcotic to be labeled as less addictive.

The Feds are catching people on the street are thanking them for stopping themselves from their ways. Because the people involved don’t have the willpower to stop. Showing the severity of OxyContin. 

A sinister commercial or promotional video plays for OxyContin. Absolutely absurd, a drug like that could get public marketing. Drugs sell themselves, but giving it this big salesmen marketing boost will take a serious drug like OxyContin, making it seem family friendly, will take it to new heights. The sinister part about the drug is that they never mention the actual drug name OxyContin, which gives it this sinister feeling that something is being hidden. 

Richard Sackler orders his team to invest in a huge high quality sales team. And upgrading the data system to track daily prescriptions, created secretly by his family, his uncle Arthur Sackler. Access to all these resources is scary for one or few to have. All to create a “Blockbuster Drug”. And his reasoning as he says in a hauntingly sinister way “How we can start thinking about how we can start curing the world of its pain.” Again that blanket statement of pain. When in fact they are the pain and evil to the world. A world without them, can rid a lot of the pain in this world. 

Then the meeting and speech given to the Salesforce. They aren’t doctors, they are salesmen. They don’t understand medicine, they can only pitch off the information they’re told about it. So they’re told it’s a non-addictive miracle opioid drug. Since it’s theoretically non-addictive to them, it basically can treat anything. Perfect to make it a widespread drug, for any treatment, for everyone to use, widening the market. Opioids typically would scare doctors off, but they have the golden label from the FDA that it’s less addictive than other opioids. They first start with the heavy labor regions, like middle America. Regions that are more likely from people suffering from work-related pains, and aches. Also received detailed reports on the doctors lives, so the salesmen would know how to butter them up to open them up, and sell them on the drug. It’s getting very evil. 

The regions that were first pitched the drug, saw high rises in crime rates related to OxyContin. Even with that, the DOJ didn’t want to take action. You couldn’t really question the FDA since they said it’s less addictive, then the sentiment about OxyContin was it would be inhumane not to prescribe the drug. It was completely accepted in the medical community. So it was left alone. So how did Perdue get the approval to get that FDA label?

You had a few go check the FDA. Turns out there were no studies conducted to verify that OxyContin made less than 1% addicted. Because of their time release system, they felt they should get a special certification, and FDA “just took their word for it,” which is absolutely egregious. How could FDA approve a drug like opioids to be given to the masses, especially in the way it was marketed. How was this bypassed, it makes no sense. Then you see that the person who approved it at the FDA, later resigned and went to work with Perdue. A huge conflict of interest, Curtis Wright, the person that approved Perdue, must’ve been compensated massively, a lot of incentives. Especially since Perdue made billions off OxyContin because of the label. The regulators and everyone are in cahoots(The Boys Club all move in similar ways).

This is scary. Time and time again you see the pattern of The Boys Club. They strike the same. They need the masses, so they architect a way for the masses to need them. Having no care for the masses well-being. Only care for their self interest. I’m not trying to be repetitive. They are just constantly following this evil pattern. Too many reasons and signs pointing to why we have to get rid of these entities. Especially when they’re littered in our most important and essential industries connected to our health and well-being. Implementing litteral genocidal values in those industries. 

Episode 2:

They are now trying to create a medical condition to justify the dosage. Where the drug is most likely not lasting and working as prescribed, because it should’ve never been prescribed as that. They are trying to egregiously combat it with a made up medical condition. “Aaaa ok, you just have breakthrough pain. Just double your dosage and you’ll be ok,” which is egregious. Experimenting on humans like that just to justify dosage and clear up your own wrong doings.

Then you have the salesmen that aren’t doctors, destroying their morals to give ill-advised advice, and sell doctors on using higher dosages on their patients.

Agencies are working with them to make bad faith commercials and ads. Committing fraudulent promotions. The people in the promotions were told not to say the words opioids or OxyContin. 

Also the main doctor who advocated to thousands of doctors in the promotional video falsely saying OxyContin is less dangerous than it actually is. And he comes with that sinister rhetoric. “What I’m here to do is to cure pain…pain has been wildly untreated in this country,” just using the same blanket statement of curing pain.

You’re starting to see the effects of opioids on people, they’re dying or drugged out. They have “Pain Clinics” setup, I’ve never heard of that before. It looked like a legal trap house. Also the fact that schools are riddled with users is absurd.

Corruption is just the way the industry works. It’s legal for a government worker to leave their job and go work for a company they were “supervising” or “regulating”. And with that being legal, the company could incentivize a big payday. Then you have an absurd “honor system”. Allowing all types of promotions because drug companies are supposed to be honest. How does this all go unregulated?

You have these seductive persuasive seminars for the doctors. Using salesmen to butter them up and manipulate them into giving good testimonies for Purdue. 

There’s a higher tolerance issue for the patience, even when they doubled the dosage. So the solution for that was to double the dosage some more. Which is terribly absurd. And Purdue doesn’t care because the cost for them to make it is the same. While the cost for customers to purchase probably doubles and/or quadruples. Definitely which led to a lot more overdoses. 

Episode 3:

During their first hearing. They had to deal with Purdue’s juggernaut legal team. Two local Federal Prosecutors are going up against a probably multi-million dollar legal team. How do you beat that?

It was dark seeing that pain assessment sheet. I remember as a kid thinking it was funny and cool. But seeing it now, a pain indicator was probably implemented for the purpose of OxyContin. The way that it wasn’t just encouraged, but kind of forced on patients was also a scary sighting. OxyContin has found its way to get deeply embedded within the medicine field. It wasn’t many people’s fault. They probably making people feel crazy if they didn’t take it. They were just coerced into the worst decision of their life.

There’s still a rise in OxyContin related crimes. And there’s no drug kingpin to go after. It’s a legalized drug in all pharmacies. Protected by the labeling of the FDA, and vouched for by many doctors. With a  multi-million dollar legal team. But there isn’t much you can do to stop that.

Then you have pharmacists, doctors, and hospitals getting threatened with lawsuits if they don’t distribute or feel they handled patients “pain” properly. This is an airtight system.

It’s gross when families like these act like they are amazing philanthropists. But it makes sense when you see what the donations are for. They were bribing all the pain associations. So their spokespeople can go out and heavily advocate for OxyContin. 

Episode 4:

Semantics on top of semantics. It’s all fraudulent, it’s not genius, they’re just being allowed to do their egregious doings. Now it’s a Pseudo-addiction. “If someone is showing signs of addictions, it’s untreated pain, pseudo-addiction. What they need is more medication.” Telling someone who has a high dosage, that they’re being under-prescribed. It gets more and more ridiculous. These people don’t need more dosage. They never needed that drug in the first place.

The beast of opioids seems like an unbeatable foe. It doesn’t seem likely for many. The stage of dopesick seems unfathomable for people who haven’t taken it. Feels like death, as people have gone through it have stated. Your body seems like it will convince you in any way to get a fix. So it’s understood that it’s more than an addiction. It’s an absolute need. And OxyContin isn’t the most accessible drug. Not like you can get them off any dealer. So some doctors or administrators of the drug have the ability to take advantage of sick addicts that are in dire need of a fix of opioids.

Wow. The whole OxyContin crisis, the fact that it was deemed a less than 1% addiction rate for users, was based on a five sentence observation. An observation that was highly controlled by the hospital. That was the whole foundation of the OxyContin crisis. That is absurdly ridiculous. A “study” that was cited all over mass media publications. 

Episode 5:

The airtight system is starting to get holes poked inside of it. A compelling case is coming together. But it’s still hard to breach. Any witness they want to use is debilitatedly scared. The power Purdue has is unfathomable to what they can do to just one person.

Episode 6:

It’s just crazy how non-accepting the FDA was in hearing out that the drug wasn’t safe. Massive amount of people are being affected. A huge spike in crimes. Vast negative changes in the community. So many people overdosed. And the FDA is just leaving it alone.

Purdue egregiously manipulated the data. It’s disgustingly false data. How did they get the approval for this? FDA are heavily accountable for all the wrongdoing of their regulations. An organization in charge of regulating human consumption has to be responsible and make it impenetrable to corruption.

When you see Rudy Giuliani and how he was on the Purdue team after being part of the DEA. It was a disgusting sighting

Everyone that took part and allowed legally administering this beast of a drug to people deserve death penalties. That’s not an extreme. It looks like no one is able to beat this drug.

I understand it’s the Hulu version. But I wouldn’t be surprised that this is Richard’s actual attitude in life. He himself is the pain that he wants to afflict on the world. He’s addicted to poisoning the world and growing it.

Purdue can’t lose, it’s ridiculous. They keep buying off all the regulators. How do you get the former US attorney to represent something so corrupt? How do you beat that? The connections someone like that has. You now have free reign to do whatever. It also says a lot about America’s system. It’s so deeply ingrained with corruption.

The story of OxyContin gets darker and darker. Many people aren’t gonna have the funds and access to it, but they still have a strong need and dependency for it. So they have to revert to cheaper and harder things. Like going into the dark world of heroin and others.

Episode 7:

It’s crazy that they were thinking about children’s OxyContin. Trying to put it in place. The FDA later on approved it for severe conditions. But if they were able to get a children’s version for moderate use, obviously psychopaths have no limits, but that would’ve exponentially more unfathomably absurd and sick.

That’s crazy that an FDA employee was present in writing Purdue’s review. This family just had all types of unfathomable cheat codes. It wasn’t genius tactics they implemented, just isn’t fair the ridiculous amount of resources they had.

The fight and recovery of opioids is a scary one. The fact that it may take years to recover from that addiction. How do you live everyday like that? Basically a drug prison sentence.

The Sackler Family is one of the most disgusting families in history.

Episode 8:

All money isn’t good money. I understand millions of dollars is a lot. But to destroy millions of lives isn’t worth it. Purdue thinks they can just pay and bribe their way out of any situation. It’s nice that there’s people who care enough to deny the hush blood money, and want change.

Also nice to see that the people previously connected to Purdue offered their help. But honestly, some of them probably couldn’t live with themselves. They were just trying to relieve themselves of some guilt.

You are the biggest enemies to corruption when you can’t be controlled, swayed, or bought.

Purdue employees deserve to take OxyContin themselves. Especially the Sackler family. Because it sucks, that no one went to jail, their name was barely tarnished. They get to keep their fortune. All they had to do was pay some fines. And it took over a decade for any substantial fines to be paid. This is typically how the story usually ends. The Boys Club just get a slap on the wrist for mass destruction. The ending of these stories are always the American Psycho ending. You may come to a time where your past may come into question, but like always, The Boys Club never gets in real trouble. Then the ending suggests that they’re free, and more catastrophe is to come.

Joe Budden Podcast: Dopesick

Dopesick Takeaways:

This is one of the most egregious happenings in recent history. That is still today and in the future going to leave a widespread catastrophic effect. Why are people just allotted the resources to destroy as many lives as they want to? Why are they so heavily protected? It’s basically like American Psycho. You can kill and destroy as many people as you want, it doesn’t matter. As long as you are part of The Boys Club, you will get absolved of all your wrongdoing. Getting government backing to destroy the world is egregious, but time and time again, they’re blatant illustrations of Government in cahoots with pure evil. Then the people trying to help and save people are silenced, attacked, or destroyed. You can’t do anything to stop it, because these entities have all the resources to do all types of injustices. I just don’t understand how Purdue was able to build such a widespread network of people to align with their agenda. I feel seeing the effects of opioids in a few people is intense, but to see it happen to a nation, and for those people to see that and still be aligned, I just can’t understand how. Not the Sackler family themselves, because they’re just psychopaths, and there’s no point asking why psychopaths did something evil, that’s disgustingly in their nature. But to secure a widespread network like they had, and then go along with that mass destruction agenda is unfathomable. We live in a compromised world. 

Angie Martinez IRL Podcast | Joe Budden

That opioid is a beast. Many innocent people probably think they’re taking something one level up from an Advil or something. That it’s a moderate drug, for their moderate pain. That’s how it was promoted. People promoting it had no care for people’s lives, their families, or community. People didn’t know they were signing up for a demonic drug. Where you have insanely deep cravings for it. A drug that turns you into a doped up zombie. Typically seeing tolerance levels rise in most users, so they have to up their dosage and drug use, causing overdoses. And if you try to stop, it makes it feel like you’re dying, there is no quitting cold turkey, your brain chemistry has already changed. But if you keep using it, there are high chances you end up dying. So it’s a drug prison sentence and drug death sentence for many. To get back your brain chemistry and back to your original self may take years. Which is so daunting, you have to put on a miraculous fight for life to get your own life back. Have to take it day by day for an unforeseeable amount of days, and just maybe you’ll get back to yourself. And the time it took to get addicted was relatively instant. So basically a lot of people are going to lose the fight to opioids. It’s so sick, but they programmed a way to create a constant zombified customer base to keep getting opioids, they have no other choice, but to give into their cravings. And this was the catastrophe set to a nation.

All government resources to protect human well-being went blind or were an accomplice in the crimes of mass destruction. People believe and trust in these institutions, they aren’t stupid. Why wouldn’t you trust the FDA that something isn’t safe for consumption. Why wouldn’t you trust your doctors have your best interest. Why wouldn’t you trust the system would never allow a criminal organization to distribute drugs to the masses. It would be absolute absurdity if there were wrong doings amongst those organizations. And Purdue had an entire network of people in all of those organizations in the opioid agenda. That’s why when you see how this whole thing came together, it’s so demoralizing, they are not for us. We can’t have oligarchies in any way. We can’t have a small number of representatives making decisions. They all get compromised. You have one person that can sign off on legislation, you have one person to bribe, threaten, or compromise. That’s why the land is supposed to be controlled by all people. We decide for ourselves. Instead of representatives that don’t represent us, but their own self interests. 

That’s what the people are up against. An enemy that has all the resources and laws on their side to use against the people. They can break, bend, and bypass an egregious amount of laws and rules. Even if they get caught, most of the times don’t get in any serious trouble. And get to continue their agenda. While the people have all the forces against them. Also the people have each other opposing each other, we’re divided. The only way to win is if people come together, that’s the ultimate power. We have to learn how to mend all the divisive forces used against us. We all lose if we all are opposing each other as people.

Dopesick solidified to me that they will sacrifice anybody for their own self interest. By they, I mean The Boys Club. It’s the same story in different industries. “We don’t care how many people die, or get destroyed, we don’t care about any of it. The only thing the masses are good for, is being our pawns to make our fortune their backs. And we will dispose of you otherwise.” Nobody matters if you’re not one of The Boys Club.

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