Curate Your Existence

(Jan 15, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)

You gotta curate your life, I feel at least. Fill your life up, and paint all the walls around with things you love. Make everything you can just the way you want it. The colors you want to be surrounded by. The clothes you want to be covered in. The people you want in your space. The sounds you want to experience. The furniture or items you want to be surrounded by. Visuals you want to see. Whether it’s television or fixating your algorithm to see only what you want to see on social media. The aroma you want to take over the room. Do your best to craft the dream world you exactly want all around you. Curation that supports the lifestyle you love and aspire for. Start the foundation of that. It just makes spaces you are often in desirable. Life desirable. You curated all factors around to your liking. Helps you live the life that you love. You wake up surrounded by love. Which gives you inspiration early in the morning. Inspiration constantly getting fueled by your environment. Waking up listening to the audio experience I exactly want. That’s like a cup of coffee for the day. Putting me in the right energy aura. The audio experience throughout the day scoring and soundtracking my lifestyle. Feels amazingly cinematic. My social media feed is what I want to see(except twitter, I like Twitter negativity though). I got rid of low forms of self esteem on my feed. Only beauty and interest to inspire. Insightful feed to put me onto new things and learn. Magazines I have laid out, seeing all those covers provide inspiration. Sometimes I’ll have the stuff in my room just around everywhere. That inspires me. Seeing my loves all over. The journey and buildings I’m working on and have. Things that I cherish and are very grateful to have. The assortment of colors of random pieces of things laid together. It all fuels me. Also your physical care. Me being in refreshed skin. Post workout feels. Those put me in a good aura. Just live and fill up love in the space and spaces you are in.

If you don’t paint and curate your own life. The default environment around is what you got. That can be a neutral or bad thing. But definitely can be detrimental to your space and mental if you’re surrounded by a negative environment. Getting negative energy and influence that hinders you. Other people’s energy factor into your sanctum. Default mode can be visually, basically all perceptions of the default, is mainly a bland experience. Downer. Such a lack of inspiration to do loving things. Negatively validating environments that feel like despair. Society is Pro-despair. So you gotta be careful just being so accepting of typical societal reality. Create an escape, which is an idea, but one that you can build into fruition. Basically hope to escape, with dreams and aspirations. Start living the lifestyle today of your dreams. Start making your living desirable.

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