(Nov. 17, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) The Tár professor scene is one of my favorite scenes of the year. She questioned people’s intention of music and art. Noticing people using all these outside instances to judge someone’s craft. Like using someone’s personal life to dictate their music. Music and virtue signaling have a strong relationship… Continue reading Let Humans Be vs Cancel Humans: Where Did this Construct to Cancel Humans Come From
Category: ‘What is Wrong with the World’
The Unjustly Negatively Criticized Film ‘Amsterdam’: Many People Didn’t See the Truth of Corruption & World of Parasitic Psychopathy ‘Amsterdam’ Was Speaking To

(Nov. 13, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I don’t understand the bad reviews this film received, it’s absurd. This film was phenomenal. With a profound premise. I love a story to uncover the real problem of corruption in the world. I don’t think people have the prerequisite understanding of the paternalistic corruption we have in this… Continue reading The Unjustly Negatively Criticized Film ‘Amsterdam’: Many People Didn’t See the Truth of Corruption & World of Parasitic Psychopathy ‘Amsterdam’ Was Speaking To
Dead Poets Society (1989) Review: Deny Despair by Seeking Real Intimations of Meaning.

(Nov. 8, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) There is no major community or society that promotes love, happiness, or a passionate spirit. It’s a blessing to come by any of those. It’s a blessing, sometimes a miracle to cross paths with someone like Mr. Keating. Someone to push you to believe in how you feel. To… Continue reading Dead Poets Society (1989) Review: Deny Despair by Seeking Real Intimations of Meaning.
The Pandemic of Despair: Why is it that No Major Community Promotes Love, Happiness, and a Passionate Spirit?
(Nov. 7, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) So much despair in the air. More than just sadness. Full on despair and darkness. I’ve seen it as a pandemic for quite a while. The lostness, the hopelessness, and the emptiness, it’s all around. Values that create despair are embedded in so many communities. That gets ingrained deeply… Continue reading The Pandemic of Despair: Why is it that No Major Community Promotes Love, Happiness, and a Passionate Spirit?
The Insane Lifestyle of Believing in Yourself: The Determination to See it Through
(Oct. 24, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein With this version of the definition, I would say I accepted a life of insanity. I got to a point in my life where I want to do absolutely what I… Continue reading The Insane Lifestyle of Believing in Yourself: The Determination to See it Through
The Incompetency of Working at Companies & Corporations: Also Film Review of Office Space
(Oct. 23, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I had a hard time understanding why companies were so incompetent. Why wouldn’t you get competent people for certain roles? Why are incompetent people in a lot of these positions? Why do companies make bad unreasonable decisions? Then I realized, I was too zoomed out, from a macro perspective.… Continue reading The Incompetency of Working at Companies & Corporations: Also Film Review of Office Space
It’s Probably Not Your Fault You can’t get a Job in Fashion: The Problem with Non-Creative Hirer/Recruiters
(Jun. 12, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I recently got interested in trying to join magazine/editorial teams. Or a media conglomerate. I had a lot of my own work on me. So I packaged some up and tried to see if I could obtain one of these positions, but haven’t gotten answers. I was contacting multiple… Continue reading It’s Probably Not Your Fault You can’t get a Job in Fashion: The Problem with Non-Creative Hirer/Recruiters
A Letter to Evil
(Oct. 19, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Evil conspires where the power is. That’s why it’s important to compartmentalize the powers. Once that gets deregulated. Evil forces have the ability to merge together and collude to do whatever evil agenda they have. That’s why you have to divide and separate the power, typically amongst the people.… Continue reading A Letter to Evil
Dopesick Journal Review: Opioid Crisis was Basically a Crisis of Government Organizations vs. The People
(Oct. 16, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Episode 1: After watching that first episode of Dopesick, I am absolutely sick to my stomach. This just doesn’t sit well with me at all. You start off with a monologue from Richard Sackler. He’s speaking to his family in this sinister cult leader-like way(Continuing this narrative of this… Continue reading Dopesick Journal Review: Opioid Crisis was Basically a Crisis of Government Organizations vs. The People
Cancer Culture: The Boys Club, Weapons of Mass Corruption and Destruction. (Blogumentary Pt.2)

(Oct. 2, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Recently, I’ve been noticing a decline in multiple cultures and industries. Like the decline of Hip-Hop. Which is similar to the decline and demise of Rock & Roll. Where that can be connected to a decline in radio. The decline of media, in terms of pop culture media content … Continue reading Cancer Culture: The Boys Club, Weapons of Mass Corruption and Destruction. (Blogumentary Pt.2)