(Oct 5, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) Woah, wtf, this was some heavy stuff. Really great movie though. You’re working a case as a defense attorney. A sexual assault/rape case of a child by a teacher. You’re defending the teacher. It’s your job, you’re just doing your job, this is what it entails. Gotta do what… Continue reading Devil’s Advocate(1997) Analysis: Hedonism Is The Devil’s Religion. And Maybe The Devil Is Up On Us
Category: ‘What is Wrong with the World’
Serpico(1973) Analysis: I Just Want To Be a Good Cop. Why Does That Make Me a Bad One? Corruption Never Ends
(Sep. 30, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) I just wanted to be a good cop. Is that so hard to ask or to be, it’s damn near, or maybe it’s just impossible. That’s the story of Serpico. Who goes through insanity, an inescapable hell, in his constant attempts to be a good cop. The people that… Continue reading Serpico(1973) Analysis: I Just Want To Be a Good Cop. Why Does That Make Me a Bad One? Corruption Never Ends
I STRUCK OIL!!!…But Wait, There’s More: There Will Be Blood(2007) Analysis
(Jun. 24, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) I’ve struck oil…but wait there’s more. There Will Be Blood speaks to that aspect of so many people wishing and feeling when they strike oil, that it means wealthy days to come. They’ve finally made it, and made it to the top of the hill. Where very very small… Continue reading I STRUCK OIL!!!…But Wait, There’s More: There Will Be Blood(2007) Analysis
12 Monkeys(1995) Analysis: The Cassandra Phenomenon. The Truth is Absurdly Crazy, That’s Why People Don’t Want to Accept it As Truth
(Jun. 6, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) The Cassandra Phenomenon I tried to tell the world, they just didn’t believe me. They couldn’t believe how crazy reality really is. That was the 12 Monkeys. The truth is outrageously absurd, so basically the truth to many could never be the truth. We live in this world full… Continue reading 12 Monkeys(1995) Analysis: The Cassandra Phenomenon. The Truth is Absurdly Crazy, That’s Why People Don’t Want to Accept it As Truth
Aloners(2021) Analysis: Society Doesn’t Address The Soul, So Now I’m Stuck In This Empty Meaningless Desolation I Call Life

(May 29, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) Society doesn’t address the soul. Being a natural human, full of feelings, in many cases you’re not a good fit for society. It can be a conflict of interest. You need to shut that down, and adopt docileness to fit in and be an active member of society. Some… Continue reading Aloners(2021) Analysis: Society Doesn’t Address The Soul, So Now I’m Stuck In This Empty Meaningless Desolation I Call Life
Falling Down(1993) Analysis: I Did Everything Right Like They Said. I Was Tricked & Lied Into Despair & Resentments.
(May 14, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) I did everything right, I did everything they told me to do. And it didn’t work. They lied to me. I spent so many years of my life doing what I thought was right, and it was wrong. Now I’m here, way too far gone on this lie I… Continue reading Falling Down(1993) Analysis: I Did Everything Right Like They Said. I Was Tricked & Lied Into Despair & Resentments.
Dog Day Afternoon(1975) Analysis: Society Abandoned Me, Of Course I Went Mad

(May 4, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) Is there a humane way to rob a bank? Not the process, but the reason. Can you decide to rob a bank, and still hold a sense of humanity with you? And I feel that’s a lot of what this film speaks to. Sonny is a nice charming guy,… Continue reading Dog Day Afternoon(1975) Analysis: Society Abandoned Me, Of Course I Went Mad
Broadcast News(1987) Analysis: Likability vs. Expertise. The Incompetent Choices that Lead to Media/Network Industry Crashes
(May 2, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) What I got from this film was Likability vs Expertise. You have one character Tom, who can be a dunderfart sometimes, but has a likable image. Then you have Jane, she’s obsessive, passionate, and consumed by her craft. Two completely different people and paths, but they landed in the… Continue reading Broadcast News(1987) Analysis: Likability vs. Expertise. The Incompetent Choices that Lead to Media/Network Industry Crashes
Network(1976) Analysis: The World is a College of Corporations, The World is a Business
(Apr 29, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) This film was a great one, I have this currently on my 10 greatest films. I loved the dialogue, what this film was speaking to. This film was amazingly held together by some of the greatest, most honest, illuminating, and beautiful monologues. The performances were so craftfully amazing. You… Continue reading Network(1976) Analysis: The World is a College of Corporations, The World is a Business
Beau is Afraid(2023) Analysis: The Guilt of My Innocence

(Apr. 21, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) First Watch: I honestly don’t have many things to say. I will watch again though. Wow. That was different. Second watch: Life is a series of choices, a collection of them. Then comes judgement day. Judged on the choices you made. Of course you’re supposed to be righteous and make… Continue reading Beau is Afraid(2023) Analysis: The Guilt of My Innocence