(Mar. 10, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette) I don’t think I have this fully comprehended, I don’t fully yet see that through line premise that ties this all together. There were just so many moving elements and variables. But it does feel like a stuck in the cycle of abandoning the Garden of Eden type of… Continue reading mother!(2019) Analysis: mother Nature Gave Us Everything, And We Wanted More. Look What We Did To mother
Category: ‘What is Wrong with the World’
Death Is The Road To Awe, Don’t Avoid The Inevitable: The Fountain(2006) Analysis
(Jan. 31, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette) “Therefore, the Lord God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and placed a flaming sword to protect the tree of life. – Genesis 3:24” I was frustrated at first. Because by accident, before I tried to understand what this movie was fully about. I saw someone’s… Continue reading Death Is The Road To Awe, Don’t Avoid The Inevitable: The Fountain(2006) Analysis
Hereditary(2018) Analysis: Repressed Guilt & Resentments Leads To Estrangement. Also the Story Of The Dark Prophecy
(Jan. 11, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette) Woahh, this was scary before. But just because it was scary, a great scary movie. But now I understand what this was. And now it’s deeply existentially scary. It’s a story of the Dark Prophecy and repressed guilt. You start out with the mother of Annie’s funeral. And you… Continue reading Hereditary(2018) Analysis: Repressed Guilt & Resentments Leads To Estrangement. Also the Story Of The Dark Prophecy
Manufacturing An Artificial “Paradise”: The Meaningless World Of VR & AR. Instantly Gratifying Worlds Of Perfect Pleasures.
(Dec. 29, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) (A piece and theory from my book that continues this much needed dialogue of artificial meaningless) I saw this tweet that reemerged from like 8 years ago. Basically a tweet From 2015 saying we will be having sex with robots in 10 years. At the time I believed it,… Continue reading Manufacturing An Artificial “Paradise”: The Meaningless World Of VR & AR. Instantly Gratifying Worlds Of Perfect Pleasures.
The Zero Theorem(2014) Analysis: All Is For Nothing & Nothing Is For All. They’re Imposing A Nothingness World On Humanity.
(Dec. 21, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) Another great one by Terry Qohen, a notable number cruncher, data miner or something of that sort. Is crunching his life away. Hours on hours, on days, on many years. Just a lot of time wasted away on crunching numbers. And why, he’s just waiting for something. A call,… Continue reading The Zero Theorem(2014) Analysis: All Is For Nothing & Nothing Is For All. They’re Imposing A Nothingness World On Humanity.
Jewish Vs. Gentiles: The Wall of Ignorance That Breeds Antisemitism, Skepticism, and Fear
(Nov. 9, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) I would like to say, I come in peace. These are not judgments I have. These are just observations and a theory I have, that I feel should be expressed to get to some sort of understanding for these relationships the world has with Jewish people and vice versa. … Continue reading Jewish Vs. Gentiles: The Wall of Ignorance That Breeds Antisemitism, Skepticism, and Fear
The Thing(1982) Analysis: Parasites Are Amongst Us, In The Dark. Which Ones Of Us Are They?
(Nov. 8, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) So that was amazing. John Carpenter got straight to the point with this movie. What is The Thing? And it’s this parasitical entity. There was a lot of parasite subtext to this movie, but since I knew a bit about parasites, I grasped a lot of what this movie… Continue reading The Thing(1982) Analysis: Parasites Are Amongst Us, In The Dark. Which Ones Of Us Are They?
My Dinner With Andre (1981) Analysis: To Live a Risky Life of Valour and True Meaning, or To Hide in My Blissful Ignorance of Comfortable Lies
(Oct. 26, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) A revelation experience. You start off with a very average Joe kind’ve guy, Wally. He grew up with hopes and dreams of art and being something. But you see that he’s trapped inside a survival nightmare where he has to tend to all the survival mechanisms to stay afloat.… Continue reading My Dinner With Andre (1981) Analysis: To Live a Risky Life of Valour and True Meaning, or To Hide in My Blissful Ignorance of Comfortable Lies
The Wave(2008) Analysis: As Crazy As It Sounds, Is Nazi Germany Possible Again?

(Mar. 14, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) The Wave was very interesting, what it was speaking to. Basically can Nazi Germany happen again? And most people would think that’s absolutely crazy. That we are so far removed from Nazi Germany. This film depicts how false of a narrative that is. What was Nazi Germany? How did… Continue reading The Wave(2008) Analysis: As Crazy As It Sounds, Is Nazi Germany Possible Again?
We Sold Them The Culture
(Oct. 26, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) Co-Directed by Rickyah BIake We keep complaining to corporations about OUR culture, not like it’s not a completely understandable thing to do. But looking through all the complaints throughout history. Like they don’t value us, they don’t pay us our just due, they destroy our livelihoods if not compliant,… Continue reading We Sold Them The Culture