(Mar. 24, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) It was very interesting to see a small encapsulated model of classism. The callousness, the greed, the incompetency, the bureaucratic aspects posed by Snowpiercer. Like always, the underbelly of the world is referred to as freeloaders, as no good lazy people. Looked at as a bad batch of humans.… Continue reading Are We Just Imprisoned By an Idea?: Snowpiercer(2013) Analysis
Category: Film/TV
The King of Comedy (1982) & Joker (2019) Comparison Analysis: All I Wanted Was A Chance. When The Struggling Artist Becomes The Vindictive Artist

(Mar. 16, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) I really love the connection between these two films, The King of Comedy(1982) & Joker(2019). The Joker by Todd Philips & Scott Silver was very inspired by Martin Scorsese’s The King of Comedy. TS(Todd & Scott) crafted such a harmonious through line with the two films and main characters.… Continue reading The King of Comedy (1982) & Joker (2019) Comparison Analysis: All I Wanted Was A Chance. When The Struggling Artist Becomes The Vindictive Artist
Videodrome (1983) & eXistenZ (1999) Review: Where is Technology Taking Humans. The Simulacrum.

(Feb. 14, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) David Cronenberg is one of the masters at creating their own genre. Like these films live in their own world. This technocracy existential crisis film genre. I really connect with what David Croneneberg was speaking to in these two films. Two films that feel very related to each other.… Continue reading Videodrome (1983) & eXistenZ (1999) Review: Where is Technology Taking Humans. The Simulacrum.
Atlanta Top 10 Episodes: One of the Greatest Shows Ever. Giving us some of the Most Unique Experiences.
(Dec. 2, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) After finishing the series finale episode of Atlanta, I can give a definitive top 10 episodes of one of the greatest TV shows of all time. This team had an amazing knack of giving us TV experiences that we have never seen. Ideas and concepts that have never been… Continue reading Atlanta Top 10 Episodes: One of the Greatest Shows Ever. Giving us some of the Most Unique Experiences.
The Fabelmans(2022): The Privilege to Believe in your Dreams, and Believe in the Ability to Create.
(Nov. 30, 2022 Oslin Pierrette) I just recently watched The Fabelmans. What I got from this film was, first you have a kid who’s going to his first movie at the theaters. And had a memorable experience that deeply affected him. Which filled his brain with ideas and visions. When his parents saw that, he… Continue reading The Fabelmans(2022): The Privilege to Believe in your Dreams, and Believe in the Ability to Create.
Eyes Wide Shut(1999) Review: Dark Twisted Fantasies

(Nov. 27, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Something that comes to mind about this film is My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, not the album, just the title. I always loved that title because it really speaks to the unspoken side of humans. I think there’s an understanding, there is a dark universe that goes on in… Continue reading Eyes Wide Shut(1999) Review: Dark Twisted Fantasies
Vivarium(2019) Review: The Great Reset is Coming

(Nov. 22, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I remember the first time I watched this film. I liked it. It was a cool premise about the pointless, meaningless aspect of life, but I felt there was a lot of ambiguity about this film. Then recently I watched Amsterdam(2022). They were talking about the Parasitic nature of… Continue reading Vivarium(2019) Review: The Great Reset is Coming
The Lego Movie(2014): Psychopaths vs. The People

(Oct. 30, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Aww man that was amazing. The Lego Movie has to be inducted in the 250 greatest movies of all time. And I believe it can be a top 50 film. First you start out with the war of civilization. The war of Creation vs Destruction and Corporatization. It started… Continue reading The Lego Movie(2014): Psychopaths vs. The People
Let Humans Be vs Cancel Humans: Where Did this Construct to Cancel Humans Come From
(Nov. 17, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) The Tár professor scene is one of my favorite scenes of the year. She questioned people’s intention of music and art. Noticing people using all these outside instances to judge someone’s craft. Like using someone’s personal life to dictate their music. Music and virtue signaling have a strong relationship… Continue reading Let Humans Be vs Cancel Humans: Where Did this Construct to Cancel Humans Come From
The Unjustly Negatively Criticized Film ‘Amsterdam’: Many People Didn’t See the Truth of Corruption & World of Parasitic Psychopathy ‘Amsterdam’ Was Speaking To

(Nov. 13, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I don’t understand the bad reviews this film received, it’s absurd. This film was phenomenal. With a profound premise. I love a story to uncover the real problem of corruption in the world. I don’t think people have the prerequisite understanding of the paternalistic corruption we have in this… Continue reading The Unjustly Negatively Criticized Film ‘Amsterdam’: Many People Didn’t See the Truth of Corruption & World of Parasitic Psychopathy ‘Amsterdam’ Was Speaking To