(Jun. 3, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette) People just don’t have time to invest in themselves. A chance to. An environment to. To “try some sh** out.” Act on feelings and experience new things. People like me for sure never really have the chance to fail, the freedom to fail. There’s just a lot of pressure… Continue reading People Need Time to Invest in Self: The Dangerous Path of Self Investing
Category: Culture
The Rise of Photography led to a Boom in Abstract Art. How will we do that with Language?
(Sept. 5, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) The invention and innovation of photography. Was a big push in the movement of realism and naturalism art to abstract art. Abstract art was already around, but photography was very impactful and instrumental in the rise of it. Mainly because there was less of a need to paint exactly… Continue reading The Rise of Photography led to a Boom in Abstract Art. How will we do that with Language?
How I would Craft Finding and Manifesting my Dream Partner and Situation

(Sept. 5, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) (Just saying, people who I’ve shown this before. I’ll tell them. I’m honestly not even trying to come off pretentious. This is just how I feel) A while back a friend asked me why I was talking to the people I was talking to. Honestly I was doing an… Continue reading How I would Craft Finding and Manifesting my Dream Partner and Situation
“Seemingly” Love & Soul Chooses You. You just have to accept whatever that is: James Baldwin
(May 18, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette) I’m a big James Baldwin fan. I haven’t really read his books, and eventually I probably will. But I’m a fan of his person. I enjoy watching him speak. He was really a progressive human for his time. To be an Openly Gay Black man in the 50s and… Continue reading “Seemingly” Love & Soul Chooses You. You just have to accept whatever that is: James Baldwin
A Woman’s Life is Theirs to Own, Not for Others to Dictate
(Jun. 15, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette) Lot of women will go through a father’s or mother’s daughter. Groomed to be a husband’s wife pipeline system. That can go into a kid’s mother pipeline. They were never able to live for themselves. They were always under possession. Never owned themselves. Had to live in the structure… Continue reading A Woman’s Life is Theirs to Own, Not for Others to Dictate
You Have to Take Initiative with Your Life: Don’t play the Waiting Game
(Jan. 24, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) You gotta take initiative with your life, take control and be proactive. It’s really easy to fall into that insanity trap, of just waiting for life to happen for you. Waiting till your life starts. Then just waiting, literally just waiting. Like “when this thing happens for me.” “When… Continue reading You Have to Take Initiative with Your Life: Don’t play the Waiting Game
Kids Should Start Now
(Aug 24, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) What would I say if I was speaking to a class full of kids or teenagers? I would very enthusiastically tell them to start now. Start taking initiative with their life now, and be very intentional. Avoid being very casual with their childhood, and avoid allowing whatever lands on… Continue reading Kids Should Start Now
Do New Gens Hip-Hop Artist Not Have Top Tier Acts
(Aug 8, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) An important question I have for Hip-Hop is, who is next on the changing of the guards? Like the next big trio. The next generation of artists to go for the Hip-Hop throne. The next top tier guys. I know it’s a very backpacky question, but I am very… Continue reading Do New Gens Hip-Hop Artist Not Have Top Tier Acts
Can Hip-Hop Die Like Rock & Roll
(Aug 2, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Can the Hip-Hop genre die? Recently I was researching what led to the demise of Rock & Roll. Especially since the genre was once the powerhouse of music. It was culturally the biggest thing in the world. So what happened to it? Did people just not like it as… Continue reading Can Hip-Hop Die Like Rock & Roll
Curate Your Existence
(Jan 15, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) You gotta curate your life, I feel at least. Fill your life up, and paint all the walls around with things you love. Make everything you can just the way you want it. The colors you want to be surrounded by. The clothes you want to be covered in.… Continue reading Curate Your Existence