(Oct. 24, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein With this version of the definition, I would say I accepted a life of insanity. I got to a point in my life where I want to do absolutely what I… Continue reading The Insane Lifestyle of Believing in Yourself: The Determination to See it Through
Category: Culture
The Incompetency of Working at Companies & Corporations: Also Film Review of Office Space
(Oct. 23, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I had a hard time understanding why companies were so incompetent. Why wouldn’t you get competent people for certain roles? Why are incompetent people in a lot of these positions? Why do companies make bad unreasonable decisions? Then I realized, I was too zoomed out, from a macro perspective.… Continue reading The Incompetency of Working at Companies & Corporations: Also Film Review of Office Space
A Letter to Evil
(Oct. 19, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Evil conspires where the power is. That’s why it’s important to compartmentalize the powers. Once that gets deregulated. Evil forces have the ability to merge together and collude to do whatever evil agenda they have. That’s why you have to divide and separate the power, typically amongst the people.… Continue reading A Letter to Evil
Dopesick Journal Review: Opioid Crisis was Basically a Crisis of Government Organizations vs. The People
(Oct. 16, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Episode 1: After watching that first episode of Dopesick, I am absolutely sick to my stomach. This just doesn’t sit well with me at all. You start off with a monologue from Richard Sackler. He’s speaking to his family in this sinister cult leader-like way(Continuing this narrative of this… Continue reading Dopesick Journal Review: Opioid Crisis was Basically a Crisis of Government Organizations vs. The People
Master of Many Trades, Jack of None: Creating your Multi-Passionate World.
(Oct. 5, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) There’s the saying “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Basically dabbling in many skills, talents, and facets. Being fairly ok in all of them, instead of being masterful and skillful by focusing and giving your energy to one of them. You’re spreading yourself and time too thin, focusing… Continue reading Master of Many Trades, Jack of None: Creating your Multi-Passionate World.
Cancer Culture: The Boys Club, Weapons of Mass Corruption and Destruction. (Blogumentary Pt.2)

(Oct. 2, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Recently, I’ve been noticing a decline in multiple cultures and industries. Like the decline of Hip-Hop. Which is similar to the decline and demise of Rock & Roll. Where that can be connected to a decline in radio. The decline of media, in terms of pop culture media content … Continue reading Cancer Culture: The Boys Club, Weapons of Mass Corruption and Destruction. (Blogumentary Pt.2)
Creatives vs. Corporate: The Absurdly Crazy World of the Industry. (A Blogumentary Pt.1)
(Oct. 2, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Kanye has this public perception of being this neurotic person. That he is very erratic and crazy, and I simply believe that it’s false for the most part. People like to judge his actions, but you never see the “why”. You never see what happens in those rooms, the… Continue reading Creatives vs. Corporate: The Absurdly Crazy World of the Industry. (A Blogumentary Pt.1)
Why do Relationships & Reputations Outweigh Work & Skill: The Fraudulent Nature of Networking.
(Sept 20, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) In a lot of different instances, the main attribute to mobility in most facets has been networking, credentials, and relationships. I know that wouldn’t be my strong point. So I made sure to focus on my craft and to make the product and work so good, so I could… Continue reading Why do Relationships & Reputations Outweigh Work & Skill: The Fraudulent Nature of Networking.
Why is it so Hard to Share your work to the World: The Debilitating and Demoralizing Curse of Shyness.
(Sept. 13, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) Why is it so hard for some to share their own work? Why is it so awkward and sometimes debilitating to promote yourself? Why are some people cursed with debilitating shyness? Putting yourself out there is hard for many, especially for introverts. If you have been mostly reserved to… Continue reading Why is it so Hard to Share your work to the World: The Debilitating and Demoralizing Curse of Shyness.
My Journey on Becoming a “Writer”, and Why Everyone Should Be One: Also How to Grasp and Accept your Passions.

(Sept 12, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I’m trying to remember my journey of writing, the reason I do it. I remember as a kid, I didn’t mind writing, but it wasn’t a passion of mine. I used to think art careers were a waste of time. It didn’t compute in my head as a sustainable… Continue reading My Journey on Becoming a “Writer”, and Why Everyone Should Be One: Also How to Grasp and Accept your Passions.