Manufacturing An Artificial “Paradise”: The Meaningless World Of VR & AR. Instantly Gratifying Worlds Of Perfect Pleasures.


(Dec. 29, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) (A piece and theory from my book that continues this much needed dialogue of artificial meaningless) I saw this tweet that reemerged from like 8 years ago. Basically a tweet From 2015 saying we will be having sex with robots in 10 years. At the time I believed it,… Continue reading Manufacturing An Artificial “Paradise”: The Meaningless World Of VR & AR. Instantly Gratifying Worlds Of Perfect Pleasures.

Jewish Vs. Gentiles: The Wall of Ignorance That Breeds Antisemitism, Skepticism, and Fear

Jon Stewart on Antisemitism

(Nov. 9, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) I would like to say, I come in peace. These are not judgments I have. These are just observations and a theory I have, that I feel should be expressed to get to some sort of understanding for these relationships the world has with Jewish people and vice versa. … Continue reading Jewish Vs. Gentiles: The Wall of Ignorance That Breeds Antisemitism, Skepticism, and Fear

We Sold Them The Culture

(Oct. 26, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) Co-Directed by Rickyah BIake We keep complaining to corporations about OUR culture, not like it’s not a completely understandable thing to do. But looking through all the complaints throughout history. Like they don’t value us, they don’t pay us our just due, they destroy our livelihoods if not compliant,… Continue reading We Sold Them The Culture

Are We Just Imprisoned By an Idea?: Snowpiercer(2013) Analysis

(Mar. 24, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) It was very interesting to see a small encapsulated model of classism. The callousness, the greed, the incompetency, the bureaucratic aspects posed by Snowpiercer.  Like always, the underbelly of the world is referred to as freeloaders, as no good lazy people. Looked at as a bad batch of humans.… Continue reading Are We Just Imprisoned By an Idea?: Snowpiercer(2013) Analysis

I’m Confident I’m a Great Artist/Creative. I’m Confident That My Networking Skills are Weak: How Do I Develop My Networking Skills, and Conquer My Performance Anxiety of Initiating & Talking to People. 

Punch-Drunk Love

(Feb. 24, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) One thing that I have been very jaded about, is my lack of opportunity in the industry. I hear it all the time “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” Like you’ll hear sentiments about your network being your greatest asset, networking is the currency. I’ve been… Continue reading I’m Confident I’m a Great Artist/Creative. I’m Confident That My Networking Skills are Weak: How Do I Develop My Networking Skills, and Conquer My Performance Anxiety of Initiating & Talking to People. 

The Destruction of the Consumer and the Creative/Artist. The Desensitization of Stimulation from Art & Culture: Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia Effect

Euphoria Season 2 ep 5

(Feb 19, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) An aspect of Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia effect (OIH) in many cases is that long term users may experience emotional numbing, where they feel less pleasure from activities that were once enjoyable, but now they also experience less pain from activities that would normally be uncomfortable or painful. Things aren’t as… Continue reading The Destruction of the Consumer and the Creative/Artist. The Desensitization of Stimulation from Art & Culture: Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia Effect

Go Where You’re Appreciated, or Create it: Creating Institutions that Accommodate Your Worth and Value

EYL x Dame Dash: Build New Houses

(Jan. 15, 2023 ● Oslin Pierrette) We need new institutions. We need to create institutions that accommodate us, build a structure that complements who we are, what we love, that are for us. We need to be in places that value us, and that’s it, we can’t accept anything less.  I think it’s important to… Continue reading Go Where You’re Appreciated, or Create it: Creating Institutions that Accommodate Your Worth and Value

Let’s Break Apart Art & Culture From The Corporate World: Corporate Has Been the Destruction of True Value

Dame Dash on the Absurdity of the Industry

(Dec. 26, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) We need more non-corporate culture & art, that are able to thrive. We also need to support the art & culture within our community, instead of waiting for said act to get corporate backing to believe in them. We shouldn’t need to have to scale to fairytale heights. We… Continue reading Let’s Break Apart Art & Culture From The Corporate World: Corporate Has Been the Destruction of True Value

The Cuckoo Bird: The World of Parasitic Psychopathy Within Human Civilization

Amsterdam: Cuckoo the Parasitic Bird

(Nov 22, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) I think more people should look into the ways of the Cuckoo Bird. Cuckoo Bird is a brood parasite, an animal that manipulates and relies on others to raise their young, usually using egg mimicry, with eggs that resemble the host’s. The common cuckoo does not make a nest… Continue reading The Cuckoo Bird: The World of Parasitic Psychopathy Within Human Civilization

The Pandemic of Despair: Why is it that No Major Community Promotes Love, Happiness, and a Passionate Spirit?

Revolutionary Road

(Nov. 7, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette) So much despair in the air. More than just sadness. Full on despair and darkness. I’ve seen it as a pandemic for quite a while. The lostness, the hopelessness, and the emptiness, it’s all around. Values that create despair are embedded in so many communities. That gets ingrained deeply… Continue reading The Pandemic of Despair: Why is it that No Major Community Promotes Love, Happiness, and a Passionate Spirit?