(Oct. 2, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)
Recently, I’ve been noticing a decline in multiple cultures and industries. Like the decline of Hip-Hop. Which is similar to the decline and demise of Rock & Roll. Where that can be connected to a decline in radio. The decline of media, in terms of pop culture media content and/or tv shows. Decline in video games. Decline in footwear culture, etc.
It all seems routed from the same place. The Boys Club, the oligarchy. These people have the majority of influence of decisions in multiple cultures, corporations, and industries. Industries, corporations, and cultures that have a lot to do with human well-being, the people holding those positions, positions that are supposed to be of service to people. But instead, they have mainly a vested interest in themselves, and within their small group. They have no care or respect for the cultures and industries they take part in. Just use and abuse them for their own agenda, they are cancerous creatures, once they infiltrate their host, the degradation and maybe demise of the host is inevitable. Have no care for the cultures and industries they destroy. Having a consistent track record of making egregiously bad decisions for the general public, the people they are supposed to serve, in an attempt to protect their own interest. Have no care if they completely crash the stock of cultures or industries, because they’ve done it on multiple occasions. And it doesn’t matter because they don’t care about or what happens to the culture or industry they crashed, or the people that it affects. In the event that happens, they can protect or even increase their value, and get an executive position somewhere else, even though they just finished bombing an industry or corporation.
One industry that has been terribly corrupted by The Boys Club, is finance and the economy. This Boys Club bombed the economy and the financial industry, which directly affected millions. I watched a Non-Fiction Horror Doc recently called ‘Inside Job’(2010). It’s about how deregulation led to our economy and housing crisis, and how so many people got away with it. You have a good government when it can protect itself from corruption, it’s regulated properly. That’s how you keep things in order and keep a good balance. Then The Boys Club intervened and started deregulating everything. You’ll start to see all these big corporations basically becoming these criminal organizations. But due to deregulation of certain systems, where before they were limited, now they can grow and become monopolies.
Since they are so big, they can now influence a lot of decisions, rules, and laws in their favor, where they can get bailed out, or simply get away from egregious crimes. And they did over, over, and over again. Dishonestly promising each time that it wouldn’t happen again. They couldn’t help themselves, they won’t stop.
Then you have the derivative markets. Basically, you could use these financial products to virtually bet on anything, things like “rise or fall of oil prices, the bankruptcy of a company, even the weather.” This created a 50 trillion dollar unregulated market. With the influence of The Boys Club, they were able to get congress to ban the regulations of derivatives, so these people were free to do whatever, and caused a financial explosion.
Also you had the subprime loan boom for mortgages. Basically, loans that were extremely risky, certainly couldn’t get paid back, were being given to borrowers at record high rates. With no risk to lenders because they would sell it to investors. Then the investment banks were packaging these terrible loans as CDO’s and getting rating agencies to present those CDO’s as AAA, basically a high creditworthy rating loan that will definitely get paid back, that would get sold to investors.
Why did rating agencies give these toxic products that carried loans that are definitely not getting paid off AAA ratings? And basically, they get paid more for giving out AAA ratings, and don’t really get paid for bad ones. Rating agencies are making billions of dollars by giving bad-faith high AAA ratings to CDO’s. So they are incentivized to give CDO’s high ratings even if it’s a bad CDO(loans), and they weren’t liable if they were wrong. Basically this Securitization chain, basically nobody was liable for these extreme loans, it was at the time risk-free to the lenders and investment banks. Reason they were trying to give as much loans out as they could, lenders and investment banks made a fortune off of it.
So everything is incentivized to screw investors and mortgaging house buyers. Investors are probably thinking since its high rating CDO’s(loans), it will definitely get paid back. And lenders were giving away $100s of billions worth of loans to house buying borrowers, anybody could get a mortgage, even if they had poor credit. Investment Banks were able to sell all these loans to investors and make hundreds of billions of dollar profits off money that wasn’t going to be real.
So while investment bankers are making a short term fortune, it was a ticking time bomb for investors and house buyers in the long run, when at some point there’s gonna come a time to account for all this fraudulent money. It was an unlimited money fraud ponzi scheme. A structure created by a psychopath(s), you can’t be an empathetic person and be able to do mass destruction amount of damage to people’s lives, for an unnecessarily excessive amount of greed. They changed all the rules which allowed them to create a criminal-proof, and regulation-proof ponzi schemes and money fraud systems. Then it gets even worse when these bankers are getting encouraged to take even more extreme risks, where it’s no risk to them, but could destroy the firms they work for, or knowingly destroy the whole economy.
Back to the derivatives, investment banks that were selling CDO’s(loans) to investors, saying they were high quality creditworthy products and definitely going to get paid back, the same investment bankers were betting those same CDO’s were going to default and fail. Then taking it further by selling CDOs specifically designed, so that the more money their customers lost, the more money their company made. This should be extremely illegal. It’s clear insider trading. How is this allowed? Which is insane levels of absurdity.
For some absurd reason, the people that are causing and setting up mass destruction and corruption are getting appointed to some of the highest financial positions of the US government, like Henry Paulson for Secretary of Treasury.
Then the start of the official crisis in 2008 happened. Millions of foreclosure for the year. Lenders failed when they couldn’t sell their loans to investment banks anymore and many loans went bad. Then when the CDO market failed, it left investment banks holding onto hundreds of billions of dollars of loans and CDOs they couldn’t sell. And the effects this had wasn’t just the investors and home buyers, it catastrophically affected the whole world.
This ponzi scheme was a weapon of mass global destruction. They crashed the whole economy. Banks were losing all their money and going bankrupt. Other institutions had debts of billions of dollars. Led to millions of people losing their homes. Also globally, many millions of people lost their jobs. It destroyed the job markets, shutting down many businesses that employed many people.
While the world was going through a crisis. Companies and people that caused the crisis were getting bailed out. Costing taxpayers over $150 billion, while the architects and bankers of the crisis cashed in on their bets that it would crash.
The Boys Club are protecting and denying their investment banks from getting sued. So they are getting off criminally free. All the architects and top executives of the crisis are getting billions of dollars in payouts, severances, and bonuses, while the world is going through the crisis they caused. They’re resigning from their jobs, and taking an executive position somewhere else.
When these executives get questioned on these matters, they “coincidentally” don’t remember, “coincidentally” didn’t realize what happened at the time of the buildup to the crisis. Coming up with the most fraudulent excuses. They gaslit a whole nation. While many came to these architects warning them about the crisis, they denied, and assured that the economy was ok, sometimes even while the crisis was going on.
After a while you would think these people would leave the game. But they were just hooked to it. It became a pissing contest. Some of the most absurd purchases, like multiple mansions, multiple planes and helicopters, big budget for prostitutes. They just kept going. They have a sadistic urge to take advantage of people, they take pleasure in it. The world had to go through a whole crisis, because of their leisurely sadistic game, just adding to the absurdity. And they could do this all with no repercussions, no risk at all. They’re playing a video game simulation with all the cheat codes entered. Someone has to stop them, because they will never feel bad enough to stop. The only time they voiced wrongdoings is when they felt they were about to get caught, but when they found a solution, they went right back to psychopathic ways.
It’s basically the story of American Psycho, and that movie dropped a decade prior, about an investment banker, that is no coincidence. American Psycho was a great depiction of what happened, the crisis was inevitable with these investment bankers in charge. They only care about their own interests. These guys terrorize society, and never face consequences for it. Cancerous creatures that plague the Earth, and it isn’t a metaphor, they are truly cancers of the Earth. They’re hooked to the lifestyle of self gain, terrorizing others, and getting away with it. Especially if they cause catastrophic damage, they may get worried when the jig is up, but when they understand they will always get bailed out, they simply go on and go back to continue the same lifestyle.
Also Don’t Look Up is a perfect movie to help describe this issue. The world can be facing an imminent crisis of word destruction. With The Boys Club’s cancerous presence, it can currently be. And they will constantly jargon you like the world is ok. You can’t trust these institutions, because while the general public is in danger, they only care about their interest. Whatever happens to the general public isn’t an important matter to them because they don’t care and don’t have empathy. So they will gaslight them forever, never giving them a true reality. They will find a way to preserve themselves regardless of what happens. A true psychotic structure.
Reason for me writing all this. I’m a person with many different interests. I would be invested in different fields and industries. And I would see that there’s corruption in some of them, then I realized there was corruption in all of them. And the corruption was all resemblant of each other. The complaints about corruption were the same even though it’s from completely different industries. It was the same kind of person across different industries corrupting the same way. Then you realize sometimes it’s the same person corrupting and playing musical chairs in different industries. The pattern you recognize is too frequent not to realize.
This “Boys Club”, every major problem can be routed to them. Where they are taking jobs that are supposed to be of service to the world. But they corrupted it, and architected a way to service themselves “legally” and risk-free. They criminal-proof mass corruption and destruction. They have no interest in any of the services they take part of, have no care for the people when they hold the biggest positions that serve the people. They have no care if they destroy the industry they are a part of, because no matter what happens, they get to retain their luxuries, play musical chairs, and end up somewhere else. Psychos run most of the industries, especially ones that have to do with human well-being.
Just think of a world without The Boys Club. A world without economic deregulation, a world with a stable economy, one that didn’t go through a crisis. Think of a world without The Boys Club in the creative industry. An industry that doesn’t suffer from monopolization of creative resources to flourish and expand. A fair market for creatives allowing a fair chance for creatives to flourish. Thinking of flourishing cultures untapped by vultures. Removing them from other industries. Industries that do with human well-being. I didn’t even touch on Food, Environmental, Health, and Pharmaceutical industries, that the same people have a huge influence on the decisions for these industries, and making decisions for self gain, and egregiously ignoring the needs of the people. They are cancer. The Boys Club is destroying many sectors of society, so getting rid of them would make monumental changes. Would put the world in remission. Contrary to what they’re saying, it is very possible for a world without The Boys Club to survive, and the world would most likely flourish. They are corruption and destruction.
Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis Doc. Review: The Reunion of the Destruction of Housing & Economic Crisis

[Added on to this whole Blogumentary Oct 16. 2022, by Oslin Pierrette]
-The reunion of the the members who caused the financial crisis come together to discuss the Housing & economic crisis of 2008-
This was a great Documentary, not because we got answers that the people wanted. We didn’t get the people that were heavily involved in causing the crisis apologies, didn’t feel their remorse, didn’t give their accountability that they destroyed the economy.
The reason it’s a great documentary is because it solidified that these people are textbook psychopaths. The housing and economy crisis was a blatantly clear Ponzi scheme. It was pure evil, that only evil people would be able to do the things that the people that caused the crisis could do. They destroyed millions of lives catastrophically, and benefited off it massively. So they bring some of the people in charge to speak for a documentary. Obviously there’s an elephant in the room, the biggest one maybe ever. What happened? What and who caused and should be accountable for the crisis? And that was egregiously glossed over, just ignored.
Where it gets even intensely more psychopathic than it already was. Was the fact that they are trying to act like they saved the world and the United States. They are trying to act like they are Batman, a hero that doesn’t get applause. Trying to make it seem like the people don’t understand the good things they did for the economy, like the people are ungrateful. The amount of gaslighting they are doing is out of this world. The people are rightfully complaining, because millions of people have been catastrophically affected. Why would they applaud a poor cleanup of an egregious crisis that should’ve never happened.
Textbook psychopathy, people thinking we should be grateful for their cancerous presence. Saying it could’ve been worse. To the millions of people that lost their homes and jobs, it can’t get much worse.
The world is riddled with these cancerous people that have been destroying the well-being of humans, that they have no care for. Just care for their self interests. They were able to be a part of some of the most egregious crimes, and manipulate it where they made it crime-free, penalty-free.
This was an absolutely egregious watch from the buffoons in charge.
Like dealing with a psychopath. You should never expect to receive closure from them. You should expect more BS. And that’s what this was.