A Woman’s Life is Theirs to Own, Not for Others to Dictate 


(Jun. 15, 2021 ● Oslin Pierrette)

Lot of women will go through a father’s or mother’s daughter. Groomed to be a husband’s wife pipeline system. That can go into a kid’s mother pipeline. They were never able to live for themselves. They were always under possession. Never owned themselves. Had to live in the structure of their owner. And if who they were or are, is out of that structure. They would have to part ways with themselves, sacrifice themselves. For their owners’ agenda. I’m just really not a big fan of these values. It’s a disgusting way of life, it’s inhumane. To feel that entitled and expect someone to reject themselves for your agenda. 

Revolutionary Road

These women don’t always have a chance to think otherwise. Groomed from young to feel validated by being mainly a nurturer for a family. Never having a chance to nurture themselves. Too many external and community pressures being put onto them. Older women having fears of not being valued if they aren’t a good enough nurturer for their family, that they won’t be a good enough woman. Which leads to them projecting and passing on those values to younger women. Also in some cases, it’s the only way of survival to be someone’s daughter, then go on to be someone’s husband. That becomes what you value in life, making sure you’re keeping that secured. Having to live a life where gross men dictate whether you’re valuable or “beautiful”. Men spewing out and projecting their insecurities, then protecting their insecurities, by manipulating values, law, and tradition in their favor. The way of life just can’t be this way.

Before Midnight

Sometimes women’s tools to avoid that are sabotaged or crippled. Which can sometimes ensure a need for a man. It just sucks when women lose out on their developmental years. The childhood, teenage, and young adult years. Years that are very instrumental in gaining a spirit, to want things for yourself. Have passions, interests, and skills. To the point now that you’re lacking a lot of those things. It’s incredibly hard to manifest anything for yourself, especially after your developmental years are over. So now you have to accept what’s handed to you.

This can feel like an empty lifestyle, life full of despair and resentments. Leads to you being absolutely lost in life. But your plate is too full to even sit down and think about it. Think about not feeling valued or not feeling love.

Hope all women, and humans in general, can have the ability to take that leap of faith of a journey through themselves. A journey to prioritize themselves, and create love and passions for themselves. And get time to experience a life that they would want, manifest a life worth living. Also understanding that exile by their community is probable sometimes, for some inevitable. But also understand, if you find your love and are rejected by people for living it, do they genuinely love you, or an idea they want you to be. You have to let go of their ideas and just allow yourself to be who you want, then only allow the people inside who accept you, let go of the others. No one is entitled to your choice of your way of life. Your soul and spirit chooses your love and passions, your preconceived community doesn’t decide that. 

If you’re in a space where you’re happy, finding love and living passionately, and feeling good. When that’s happening and that brings the monster out of your surroundings. And I’m sure we’ve all been seeing it. I definitely have seen it in big sample sizes. Women making simple decisions that are good for them. We’re seeing a new era of women finally getting the ability to choose love. Build something for themselves and be more self reliant. Not having a need for others. Just has been bringing out this spiteful energy in their environments. Large groups of men blatantly against this movement. In hopes to bring back the “Traditional Woman”, basically trying to create a need in women, one that creates a need for men, where they can feel satisfied and purposeful. Destroying somebody’s livelihood, so you can feel satisfied. The veil of “tradition and values” is starting to crumble, and it looks a lot like men protecting their own insecurity.

Since there’s been a lot more shedding light on the truth of what these traditional structures are, the uncovering of them, a lot of women and people in general see it’s not a sustainable situation for a human. Abandoning a lot of these traditional values, and seeking desirable ones. Because women still have wants, just not ones that are harmful to their sanity and love life. Who would willingly choose these undesirable suffering situations? Suffering under the guise of proudness from “your community”, who don’t care to know if you’re happy in life. 

That’s what I would want for this younger culture of women. In a world where a lot of these traditional values still live, still being enforced heavily. I would just like the younger women to understand the fraudulence of those traditions, abandon it, and be able to seek a desirable life for themselves. Also for older women to be able to make that change for themselves, save themselves if possible. It’s your life, why not choose a desirable, passionate, happy, and loving life.

This is from a man’s perspective though. I can be wrong.

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