A Letter to Evil 

(Oct. 19, 2022 ● Oslin Pierrette)

Evil conspires where the power is. That’s why it’s important to compartmentalize the powers. Once that gets deregulated. Evil forces have the ability to merge together and collude to do whatever evil agenda they have. That’s why you have to divide and separate the power, typically amongst the people. Because amongst all people, I strongly believe that evil will perish, and the world will see the overwhelming humanity as a people we have. Evil won’t have the power and means to take over.

But once that gets deregulated. Once you give power to a select few, that opens the door to evil to obtain power. That evil can start to live out its agenda, that evil entity can start to influence others to collude. They can promise other entities fortune and wealth, or whatever gifts. That’s a cycle that snowballs into absolute corruption and chaos. And it’s hard to take away power from power, they will gain or have all the resources that will make them fail-proof.

(An example of evil colluding, and why we need to compartmentalize power.)

This is why societies needs a genuine democracy, a society run by all people, not representatives. Once you build these entities of representatives, they have the choice to represent the people or not. Instead of representing the people, evil forces have the ability to corrupt that one or few individuals. Or has the ability to set them up to put them in a compromising position, where they can control them. It has happened at an alarming rate for some of the most egregious offenses you can’t even fathom. But when you compartmentalize and democratize that power, evil loses the ability of corruption. The only way evil can win that battle if the world or a country was truly democratized, if the majority of the world or country is evil, which I’m confident is factually false. Evil only survives in a world with division, a world with unbalanced power, even in a Representative Democracy that is the U.S., a government that has had multiple egregious corruption happen under its rule. 

I understand we live in a divisive world, with polarizing ideology. But think about how much influence evil and corruption has had on society. Multiple centuries of strict and egregious ideologies have been indoctrinated in generations of people. Centuries of propaganda has been indoctrinated in multiple generations, that have been harmfully perpetuated to different groups of people. Which in itself stirs up hate, creating these hate groups amongst the people. Causing permanent division, a paradise and dream world for evil to become immortal. Evil understands the power in all people, that’s where evil dies. 

Think if we had a democratized society. I strongly believe a lot of the travesties of the world that are perpetuated within the current society, that is riddled with evil and corruption would clear up. For one, I’m confident we have the resources available to deal with a lot of the catastrophes, terror, and injustices of society. Whether that’s hunger, shelter, climate, addiction, hate, etc. Think of all the evil forces against us, like poisoned food and the pharmaceutical industry. Restricted access to resources for underprivileged groups. That we can reverse.

I’m not trying to preach an absolute utopia, that sounds cultish. I just believe we can rid the world of its evil rule and corruption. When that happens, a beautiful world will blossom. All we need is Hope(Proactive Human Collectivism)*.

5/5/2023*-hope may be an element that excuses from acting on real change. Hope maybe just a cheer, a chant, and people feel their job is done, an anti call-to-action. So maybe not hope, have it in your heart of course, but it isn’t good enough, we need proactive human collectivism to stop the oligarchy collectivism. If we don’t act, if we keep doing things in this docile manner, like we’ve been doing, we’re just playing out this self-fulfilling dark prophecy they have out for us. Don’t look for a savior, you have to look to gain the courage in yourself so we can come together to save ourselves.


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