Videodrome(1983) Analysis: Reality & People Are Becoming The Artificialness Behind The Screens. What’s Being Programmed Behind The Screens Is “Hate, Outrage, Chaos, Torture, Gaudy Sex, Divisive Division, And Just Pure Destruction”. 

(Jun 23, 2024 ● Oslin Pierrette)

The TV Screen is the retina of the mind’s eye. What you see on the screen can be as real as a raw experience. So even if you deem what’s on the screen as artificial. Then reality and artificial have become a seamless intertwined experience. What’s the problem with that? The problem is what’s in the artificial world, who’s programming it. “The battle of the minds of North America, will be fought in the video arena…television is reality, and reality is less than television”. Do you understand the power of… 

 “The gospel, the ultimate revelation…this tube(television/media) is the most awesome god damn force in this godless world” … “The only truth you know is what you get out of this tube. Right now there is hole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn’t come out of this tube…this tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers” … “and woe is us if it ever falls in the hands of the wrong people, and that’s why woe is us” – Network 1976 

Videodrome in a multitude of ways speaks to the multiple imminent dangers of this inevitable oncoming technocracy. Like one of the main issues, Max was a network programmer of an underground public access show.

Where he liked to tap into the fringe sexual worlds for the underground base that was attracted to that kind of thing. And he claims he’s doing a socially positive thing, since there’s a screen of protection separating it from reality, it isn’t real, so therefore it’s a good harmless outlet. I get Max sees himself as a harmless supplier to fringe demands. But what do you think about the people who have a demand for this fringe media?

Why do you think blatant pornography is too soft for your viewers, why do you need torture and murder for them to be satisfied? It’s not as simple as my guilty sadistic pleasure. Why is this their fantasy, what they imagine, and why do you want to make it a real experience for them. How’d they get this far deep into these sort of kinks turned abuse. The screen isn’t a protection from making it real. Multiple aspects of it are real. The fact that you are getting aroused from torture & murder is very real. Also like in reality, the abuse of the porn industry is very real, like the abuse of Videodrome. Just because it’s behind a screen doesn’t make it seem that everything must be alright then. There’s abuse that goes into producing this type of content in many cases. 

It’s just a clear fact, these screens have become a part of our humanity. To the point it’s like there’s a physical growth to accommodate for our new reality, “the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain”. It also speaks to humanity having tumorous cancerous growths to accommodate for this oncoming technocracy and what it comes with. Look at the poison that is available for consumption, constant consumption. You just can’t think these screens and their artificial projections don’t have physical, emotional, mental, just a complete effect on you. 

Screens are the interface many humans are attached to, with perceiving their lives. People are detached and desensitized when away from screens, when in the real world, when in nature. So they have become detached to the beautiful ideas from the natural life and world, and accustomed to the heightened ideas perpetuated on the screens. This is their constant perception, artificially programmed life is their reality. There isn’t an innocent constant consumption of screen perception, even though people believe whatever is on the screen is a harmless experience, they believe the glass is protection that separates the artificially programmed from reality. But there is a real connection there, real effects are happening. “It’s no big deal, they’re just watching television”, is not as simple as you think. This is affecting the quality of their growth and development, or the lack of it. Also affecting their views and perception of the world. Tangent, but that’s why I’m really not for this streaming culture. Streamers trying to colonize the attention of impressionable youth, just constantly streaming for long hours on days, doing truly nothing of importance, basically streaming their meaningless absurdity. The amount of hours watched mindlessly, are hours that aren’t going into vital growth and development, but going into growing this meaningless absurdity & nothingness. I feel the effects of this will lead to kids having a nihilistic view of the world, where so much is meaningless outside artificialness of screens, so far removed and detached from any form of stimulation of natural reality. There’s a growing non-importance of the natural world. Also a growing degeneration & deteriorations of these new generations. They have very low literacy & math skills. Troubling in person social skills, especially since they have a skewed concept of it, the world they know is one that takes place behind the screen. Again, just a complete detachment from any forms of stimulation from the natural world. Their selves and brain will be formed on this deteriorating foundation. A generation of low developed technocracy people. Especially when that frontal lobe fully forms on these underdeveloped baselines, that will shape their reality moving forward. A New World, with an underdeveloped technocracy brain, might cause mass travesty. 

Death to Videodrome. An end must come to this destructive oncoming technocracy. At least as the way it stands right now. Where technocracy is full of hate, outrage, chaos, torture, gaudy sex, divisive division, and just pure destruction. All these aspects within technocracy, even though it’s behind a screen, all these aspects have become indistinguishable to reality. Intertwining itself in reality, the disease in Videodrome is now a disease in reality. This is why death must come to Videodrome, who’s programming this, who intentionally and deliberately wants and is doing this to society. Someone or a group wants to see a confused and collapsing society, and is putting in a lot of effort to see it through. Someone wants us to be in this destructive Videodrome. Maybe it’s best not to get too mixed up in the why, except understanding there is a psychopathic humanoid nefarious part of humanity, why, and it’s just because, always has for many centuries. That’s something many have to understand and come to terms with, these collapsing worlds are what they want to see. They want to see the world full of confused collapsing absurdity, that’s their playground, one where they seek large scale power and control. They would like to enforce an undesirable world onto humanity. This just has to be understood, that this type of humanity enemy is real. Death must come to Videodrome, before everything becomes too confusing. 

The end really spoke to this. I want to do right by humanity now. What do I do now, who do I have to erase, what do I have to save, I’m just so confused by everything that is happening, I don’t know what is reality, and what is artificial, or is it all the same. I just don’t know what is. This artificial or real visual is telling me to do this, and it was to shoot himself in the head, to achieve new flesh, and leave Videodrome. And you just don’t know if it’s a real world with hallucination or artificial reality. An absurdly confused existence. Basically it’s just too late, he opened himself to Videodrome, and is at mercy to this nightmare, and now may be trapped in this inescapable hell. This may speak to AI, virtual & augmented reality. The technology is otherworldly amazing, literally, and we’re still in the early baby stages. The technocracy is surpassing the ability of humans, where maybe, and great chance we lose control of it. Also it will exactly be describing “The TV Screen is the retina of the mind’s eye”. Maybe there’s a future reality, where people escape from the unwanted world of reality…and you can see nefarious entities deliberately making it undesirable and wanting people to feel that way, they hopes it does…but maybe there’s a reality they escape to a artificially virtual world, one that has become indistinguishable to reality. One of the most dangerous realities, one where you can’t tell what’s real, so in a sense it all feels real. Now a nefarious entity has the power to completely program and manipulate your reality, also completely track everything you do. What will be advertised as a dreamworld, will actually be a nefarious playground. Where many can get lost in their abyss of pleasurable fantasies. You can live out your torture and murder sex fantasy. Free of real repercussions, but if this is the abyss you devolve to in the artificial world that is indistinguishable from the real world, what effects can that have in reality? That’s where you clearly see, just because it’s all behind a screen, it’s still all real, with real effects, this is Videodrome, a confused new world. 

If this new world does take place, this will have catastrophic damage on reality. You will be detached from nature, from the beauty of the nature of the world. We don’t fully understand the world as is, so humans can’t create a fully detailed exact copy of nature in their digitized artificial reality. They can only create a simulacra, a representation of nature and the real world, granted there are a lot of data points and info available which can still manufacture an indistinguishable world, it can be a great representation. But it will be devoid of many of the natural beauty in the natural world. It will be devoid of a lot of life’s reasonings and meanings that are ingrained in beautiful nature, especially the water, the way of the water is just in so many ways not and misunderstood. So many will not have access to the beauty of life, and maybe only have stimulation access to artificial pleasure, in such an opioid type of way. To where you have to dig into that abyss to get your fix, where you’ll never be satisfied with your artificial pleasures that you have at your every command, and having to constantly pleasure yourself when you never reach satiation. You will devolve into darker and fringe pleasures to satisfy yourself. Basically in a world devoid of God’s beauty, that you may lose access to in an artificial world, you might resort to hedonism, the devil’s religion of max pleasure. The deeper and darker you go, you will see the deep dark depths of absurdity, a dark reflection of what you become and resort to. And even more existentially scary, once you see that you reside in dark absurdity, you will still reside there, because that’s your only means of stimulation or any ounce of meaning. Basically at some point, you will find yourself residing in hell. That’s why before it’s too late, you must bring death to Videodrome. Unless you may lose all humanity that makes you human, loss of connection to it.

I’ve done a piece on Videodrome before on this site. But I watched it again recently, and wanted to analyze it again from my current perspective and understanding of the world.

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